In 2009, renowned biologist and virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka gave a groundbreaking presentation on the history of Germ Theory and the Swine Flu “pandemic” that was being promoted at the time. Dr. Lanka’s insights shed light on the misinformation surrounding viral infections and the pharmaceutical industry’s role in perpetuating fear and control through the promotion of drugs like Tamiflu.
Dr. Stefan Lanka, a respected figure in the field of virology, made significant contributions to our understanding of viruses. In his presentation, he discussed his early discoveries of viruses in the ocean and how he realized that these viruses did not cause harm. This revelation challenged the mainstream belief that viruses were always harmful and led Dr. Lanka to question the validity of the virus theory in diseases like AIDS.
How did Dr. Stefan Lanka’s discoveries challenge the mainstream virus theory?
Dr. Lanka’s discoveries in virology challenged the mainstream belief that viruses are always harmful and raised questions about the validity of the virus theory in diseases like AIDS.
Dr. Lanka delved into the history of the infection theory and how it gave rise to the gene theory and molecular technology. He explained how the concept of infectious diseases was based on an initial error that later turned into fraud, particularly in the case of the AIDS epidemic. Dr. Lanka emphasized that this fraudulent concept was used as a tool for political control and fearmongering, a strategy that has been employed throughout history.
One of the key points highlighted in Dr. Lanka’s presentation was the role of Tamiflu in the so-called flu pandemics. He revealed that Tamiflu, often prescribed as a treatment for influenza, actually stands for toxic amiflue, hinting at the harmful effects of this chemo-therapeutic pill. Dr. Lanka suggested that the promotion of drugs like Tamiflu was part of a larger scheme to instill fear in the population and exert control through the pharmaceutical industry.
Through his in-depth analysis of the history of virology and infectious diseases, Dr. Stefan Lanka aimed to shed light on the errors and frauds that have permeated the medical field. He urged the audience to question the mainstream narrative and to think critically about the information presented to them. Dr. Lanka’s presentation served as a wake-up call to the dangers of blindly accepting medical dogma and the need for a more nuanced understanding of viruses and diseases.
Virus belief as a collective error of humanity with preliminary planning
2003: SARS
2005: Bird flu H5N1
2006: MERS
2009: Swine flu H1N1
2020: Corona
Biologist and Virologist Dr Stefan Lanka: Pandemic Theater – History of the Infection Theory (Part 1). German, with English subtitles, transcript here:
Copy of the translated video (original was deleted by Youtube):
Dr Stefan Lanka Measles Virus On Trial
Dr. Stefan Thomas Josef Lanka (born September 27, 1963, Langenargen, Lake Constance) is a German biologist.
He studied biology at the University of Konstanz, where he submitted his diploma thesis in 1989 on virus infestations in marine brown algae.
In 1994 he was awarded a doctorate in the same position with a thesis on molecular biological studies of the virus infection in Ectocarpus siliculosus (Phaeophyceae). rer. nat. doctorate.
Since 2003 he has been running the homepage and the magazine of the same name “Wissenschafftplus”:
FOIs Reveal That Health/Science Institutions Have No Record Of Any “Virus” Having Been Isolated/Purified. Because Virology Isn’t A Science.
Above all, it is about “vaccinating” people, ruthlessly enforcing the Agenda 21/2030 goals and keeping the slaves at bay and humiliating them with lockdown regulations. The WEF’s agenda focused on controlling the population through various means.

The psychopath elite and their political sociopaths: There’s a rising feeling of doubt about the leaders in charge. It looks like they’re more focused on their own needs instead of helping the people. Everyone should be open and honest with them, but it’s hard to trust them completely.
The “pandemic” is supposed to force you to get “vaccinated”. The “vaccine” is intended to force you to accept the vaccination certificate. The vaccination certificate should force you to accept the social credit scoring. The social credit scoring is intended to force you to obey the government. Are these measures aimed at controlling and manipulating the population for ulterior motives?
The government can now refuse you food, medicine, shelter, travel… What does this mean for the basic human rights and necessities of individuals? Will access to essential resources be restricted based on compliance with government mandates?
The planned agenda by the WEF raises significant concerns about the direction in which society is headed. It is essential for individuals to stay informed, question authority, and advocate for transparency and accountability in decision-making processes.As we navigate through these turbulent times, it is crucial to remain vigilant and critical of the information presented to us. Only through collective awareness and action can we strive towards a more just and equitable society. Let us not be blinded by deception and manipulation, but instead, seek the truth and stand up for our rights and freedoms.

Source: gmp-image, odysee
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