Sunday, February 16, 2025

Every Parent Should Know The Bitter Truth About Vaccinations and How to Protect Your Child’s Health. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!


As parents, our top priority is the health and well-being of our children. We strive to make informed decisions to ensure their safety and protect them from harm. Vaccination has long been a topic of discussion among parents, with concerns about potential side effects and the necessity of immunization. In this article, will explore the question: “Do healthy babies need vaccinations, which may have major side effects?” Let’s delve into the facts to help you make an informed decision for the well-being of your child.

If parents were aware of these kinds of side-effects on children following COVID-19 vaccination  they would probably think twice about proceeding with vaccinating their child with these mRNA products which clearly affect the brain.

Pharmaceutical products with this type of safety profile cannot be put on the childhood vaccination schedule, or be mandated in any form. That is a crime.

The dangers of vaccines and they were being linked with the sudden increase in Autism.

Most people are unaware of the potential adverse reactions infants may experience from being inoculated. While some are considered “mild” like fever, nausea & rashes; others can be life threatening like brain swelling, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) & seizures.

Now numerous books have been written and a lot of information is available online regarding the potential side effects and dangers of vaccines. I implore all mothers to do their own research and make an informed decision. You are free to choose whatever you feel is in the best interest of your child. Knowledge is power. Always remember you are your child’s advocate.

The Awaken India Movement has records of deaths and side effects caused by COVID vaccination. Please Visit:

The health authorities, doctors and politicians are all fully aware of these harms that are being inflicted on children. They just don’t care.” (Dr. William Makis)

“Mothers need to protect their children from mRNA vaccines the way this cougar protects her cub from a grizzly bear.” (Dr. Paul Craig Roberts)

Video: Mothers Need to Protect Their Children from the Covid Vaccine the Way this Cougar Protects Her Cub from a Grizzly Bear

Supreme Court upholds individual’s right against forcible vaccination

Bodily autonomy and integrity are protected under Article 21 of the Constitution, holds Supreme Court

The Supreme Court on Monday upheld both the right of an individual against forcible vaccination and the government’s current vaccination policy to protect communitarian health, but found certain vaccine mandates imposed by State governments/Union Territories, which tend to deny access to basic welfare measures and freedom of movement to unvaccinated individuals, disproportionate.

Our Qvive network has made every effort to provide the public with accurate and truthful information. But other media haven’t succeeded in doing so.

Upon noticing an article regarding Vaccination Certificates on Amarujala on October 20, 2023: Keep the certificates of vaccination given to children safely, otherwise there will be obstacles in career.

Before participating in ranking and other big sports tournaments, young players will have to compulsorily submit vaccination certificate. Many sports associations of Haryana have made it mandatory for children born in 2010 or later to submit vaccination certificates before participating in state level tournaments. 

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The Right to Refuse Vaccination: A Fundamental Individual Right

What does the Supreme Court’s ruling mean?

The Supreme Court’s decision emphasizes the concept of bodily autonomy, asserting that individuals have the fundamental right to make decisions about their own bodies. This includes the right to refuse medical treatments, such as vaccinations, without facing coercion or penalties.

The significance of informed consent

Informed consent plays a pivotal role in this ruling. Individuals must have access to accurate information regarding the risks and benefits of vaccination to make an informed decision. The Court’s decision emphasizes the importance of transparent communication between healthcare providers and patients, enabling individuals to make choices that align with their personal beliefs and values.

CNN, March 29, 2023: Healthy Kids, Teens May No Longer Need Covid Shots, WHO Says

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Additional Information:

Study cautions against PV vaccine: Infant Deaths Following Vaccination Doubled In India After Pentavalent

March 17, 2018: Pentavalent Vaccine Kills More Children

Pentavalent vaccine (PV) was found to double the deaths of children soon after vaccination when compared to the DPT (Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus) vaccine

Pentavalent vaccine (PV) was introduced by India six years ago, according to a new study that calls for a “rigorous review of the deaths following vaccination with PV”.

‘Pentavalent vaccine (PV), a combination of DPT vaccine and two other vaccines against Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) and Hepatitis B.’

Government records show that there were 10,612 deaths following vaccination (both PV and DPT) in the last 10 years. There was a huge increase in these numbers in 2017, which the Health Ministry has promised to study.

Pubmed, May 2020: Safety of pentavalent (DTwP-HBV-Hib) vaccine has been a public concern in India and other countries. This study attempted to document the association of serious adverse events following immunization (AEFI, including hospitalizations and deaths of all causes) with the 3 doses of pentavalent and oral poliovirus (OPV) vaccines.

Methods: A cohort of 30,688 infants in 2 south Indian districts were enrolled and followed-up between October 2014 and May 2016, following their first vaccination with DTwP-HBV-Hib and OPV at public health facilities. During weekly follow-ups, by telephone or home visits, the serious AEFIs (hospitalizations and deaths) occurring any time after each vaccination until 4 weeks after third dose were documented. The incidence risk ratios (IRRs) of serious AEFIs in the first (days 0-6) and fourth weeks (days 21-27) after the vaccine doses were compared using the poisson regression analysis.

Results: Of the 30,688 infants enrolled, 30,208 received their third doses of vaccines. During the 4-week periods following each vaccination, there were 365 hospitalizations and 17 deaths.

ET Apr 09, 2021: Deaths after COVID vaccination doubled to 180 in 2 weeks, shows report 

The number of deaths following Covid-19 vaccinations in India doubled to 180 as of March 29 from about two weeks earlier, according to a presentation made to the National Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI) committee. There were also 617 serious and severe adverse events recorded in this period, the presentation by the health ministry’s Immunisation Technical Support Unit (ITSU) showed. 

Last conclusion to the Public this happened to your neighbor, but this time it is likely to be yours, so please stop the shots!

Also Read: CDC says COVID-19 Vaccine – Side effects can cause Long Term Health Problems; they usually happen within six weeks of getting a vaccine. Updated Sept 14, 2022

Mayo Clinic-trained doctor says covid “vaccines” are locking in suppressed immunity, making people more prone to HIV, HPV, shingles, herpes

Source: ET, TheHindu, Newsclick, Livelaw, Medindia, Wikipedia, Pubmed, Supreme court of india


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