Sunday, December 22, 2024


Exploring Weather Manipulation in Dubai and the HAARP Connection

Weather Manipulation in Dubai: Is HAARP to Blame? In recent years, Dubai has experienced some unusual weather patterns, including heavy rainfall and even tornadoes. Many...

Attention! Discover the reason for Bill Gates’ visit to Odisha, India.

For Indian Citizens it is concerning that the Indian government is collaborating with Bill Gates, considering his controversial stance on humanitarian issues. Can we...

Exploring Nanoscience: A Beginner’s Guide to Nanotechnology

Richard Feynman: An Influential popular theoretical scientist of the 20th century. The father of nanotechnology is considered to be American physicist Richard Feynman. He introduced...

Dr. B M Hegde’s eye-opening revelation exposes the flaws in virus testing and cautions against placing complete trust in diagnosis alone.

Check out this article to discover why Dr. B M Hegde's eye-opening revelation uncovers the shortcomings in virus testing and warns against solely depending...

RFID चिप और कोरोना वायरस वैक्सीन के बीच संबंध हो सकता है

यह लेख अंग्रेजी में उपलब्ध है देखें: मनुष्यों में RFID चिप के दुष्प्रभाव और आरएफआईडी किसी व्यक्ति के डीएनए को बदल सकते हैं फाइजर कोविड वैक्सीन शीशी...

There may be a connection between RFID chip and the Coronavirus vaccine

Watch: Side effects of the RFID Chip in Humans and RFID can change a person's DNA Pfizer COVID Vaccine Vial Contents Exposed by WHO...