Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dr. Maya’s exclusive guide: Mastering the Preparation for the WHO Convention


Dr Maya Valecha, Gynecologist, MD,

by training Social and political activists.

Universal Health Organization, Committee member

Dr. Maya Valecha, MD(Gynae) based in Vadodara, Gujarat has been active in left politics since her student days. She participated actively in Nav Nirman Aandolan in Gujarat with left perspective, Actively fought communal forces in 2002 & has been a staunch feminist. She did her research work on how women’s attire is oppressive in nature.

She fiercely opposed slum Demolition without any opportunity for alternative residence & livelihood in Baroda and Surat and the struggle was waged successfully.

She left medical practice as a gynecologist by 2000 to fully get involved in socio-political activities.

From the very onset of lockdown, on one hand she has been building public opinion for the Nationalisation Socialisation of the Healthcare system including drug industry, and spreading the truth about Covid-19, on the other hand.

Dr. Maya: This guide offers a step-by-step approach to ensure that attendees are fully prepared and equipped to navigate the complexities of the convention. Dr. Maya’s extensive experience in the field of global health and her deep understanding of the WHO’s mission and objectives make her the perfect guide for this crucial event.

Dr. Maya’s guide offers practical advice on how to prepare for potential challenges and obstacles that may arise during the convention. It provides strategies for managing time effectively, dealing with conflicting schedules, and handling unexpected situations

The International Forum for Promotion of Homeopathy (IFPH) is a global humanitarian organization dedicated to uniting homeopathic practitioners worldwide on a common platform to advance the homeopathic movement, activism, and initiatives. The forum upholds a commitment to inclusivity, rejecting any form of community, regional, religious, caste, ideological, or political divisions. In the current global landscape, Homeopathy has the potential to gain popularity as a straightforward, accessible, and natural medical approach, distinct from other medical systems, in times of crisis. IFPH is actively engaged in uniting healthcare professionals and individuals to further this cause. The organization is dedicated to hosting daily international webinars, conducted in English and Malayalam, which have been successfully executed and will continue to be held seamlessly. In line with this, a decision has been made to conduct these daily international webinars in the national language of India, commencing on the 268th birth anniversary of Mahatma Dr. Heinemann. IFPH urges all of you to partake in this noble endeavor and kindly request your full cooperation in this humanitarian effort. You are warmly invited to join the daily international webinar, where everyone is encouraged to participate. Recordings of our previous Zoom meetings in Hindi and English are accessible on our YouTube channel, International Forum for Promoting Homeopathy. You may search for and subscribe to our channel for future viewing.

Dr Maya is encouraging individuals to view this video which is accessible in Hindi.

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