Bill gates: More PT PCR tests, more Covid cases, and then vaccinations are on the schedule.
Gates, who has invested millions in vaccines to reap a profit, told CNBC he expects a Corona vaccination to kill 700,000 people at least. Seriously, Gates said it live on TV.
As Gates said in the interview, every 10,000 people will suffer permanent vaccination damage, and he expects no fewer than 700,000.
Multi-billionaire Gates is probably quite sure he will not be blamed by mainstream media and governments for the naming of presumed numbers of victims, despite the price of this.
In this video at the end, Gates says, “We have … you know … one in ten thousand … ah … side effects. That’s… you know … way more. Seven hundred thousand … ah … you know … people who will suffer from that. So, really understanding the safety at a gigantic scale across all age ranges – you know – pregnant, male, female, undernourished, and existing comorbidities. It’s very, very hard and that actual decision of ‚OK, let’s go and give this vaccine to the entire world… ah … governments will have to be involved because there will be some risk and indemnification needed before that … ah … can be decided on.”
There are 700,000 victims, he says. And he’s the one who is massively promoting the vaccination, which is an extremely euphemistic term. This makes it reasonable to believe that there will be even more victims. In fact, these numbers are much larger than the actual number of Coronavirus victims, whether they were dead by Coronavirus or “other victims”.
The present situation is influenced by this sadistic criminal, who can’t even operate his Windows product properly. He wants to inject the world, which is neither safe nor effective in preventing disease but has been proven to harm millions of people.
Also read: BEWARE! PCR tests manufacturing units owned by Bill Gates and George Soros.