Friday, July 26, 2024

Professor Wafik El-Deiry, Director of Brown University’s Cancer Centre, discusses the adverse effects of C19 injections – Blood clots, Myocarditis, and Cardiac arrests


World-renowned Professor Wafik El-Deiry, Director of the Cancer Centre at Brown University and known for his work in identifying genes associated with cancer.

Professor Wafik El-Deiry, brings his extensive experience and expertise to shed light on the potential adverse effects associated with C19 injections. His findings highlight the importance of closely monitoring individuals for blood clots, myocarditis, cardiac arrests, and other adverse effects.

During the COVID-19 plandemic, vaccination campaigns have taken the spotlight. But with the rush to vaccinate as many people as we can, worries have emerged about the possible negative impacts of the C19 shots. World-renowned Professor Wafik El-Deiry, Director of the Cancer Centre at Brown University, has been studying these effects and has documented cases of blood clots, myocarditis, cardiac arrests, and other adverse events related to C19 injections.

Professor Wafik El-Deiry is a highly respected and renowned expert in the field of cancer research. As the Director of the Cancer Centre at Brown University, he has dedicated his career to understanding the underlying mechanisms of cancer and developing innovative treatments. This extensive experience has allowed him to approach vaccination-related concerns with a critical eye, ensuring that the safety of individuals remains paramount.

Professor Wafik El-Deiry, Director of the Cancer Centre at Brown University on C19 injections: ‘[Buckhaults] explains how pieces of naked DNA allowed in protein vaccines at a certain threshold was not so problematic in a different era but that with encapsulation in liposomes they can now easily get into cells. If they get into cells they can integrate into the genome which is permanent, heritable, and has a theoretical risk of causing cancer depending on where in the genome they integrate. There is a need for more research into what happens in stem cells and I would add germ-line, heart, (and) brain.

I am also concerned about prolonged production of spike for months with the pseudouridine in the more stable RNA.’

‘Blood clots, myocarditis, cardiac arrests, and other adverse effects are documented,’ adds El-Deiry. Many believe there’s an urgent need to quantify this problem as DNA is itself prothrombotic and could be the cause of some of the rare but serious side effects like sudden death from cardiac arrest.”

I listened to Dr. Phil Buckhaults’ over 30-minute testimony and Q and A in South Carolina and saw good science raising concerns about contamination of COVID mRNA vaccine with DNA. South Carolina is fortunate to have Dr. P_J_Buckhaults who raises safety concerns related to billions of pieces of DNA in each vaccine vial. He suggests that better and State oversight is needed.

SC Senate Hearing – USC Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults

Dr. Phillip J Buckhaults currently works at the Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences, University of South Carolina. Phillip does research in Bioinformatics, Cancer Research and Genetics.

Dr. Phillip Buckhaults Testifies on the DNA Contamination Found in mRNA COVID Vaccines

Adverse Effects of COVID-19 Injections:

  1. Blood Clots:
    • Professor El-Deiry’s research has revealed an association between C19 injections and an increased risk of blood clot formation. These blood clots, also known as thrombosis, can lead to serious complications such as strokes and deep vein thrombosis.
    • The exact mechanism by which C19 injections contribute to blood clot formation is still under investigation. However, it is speculated that certain components of the vaccines trigger an immune response that, in rare cases, leads to the formation of clots.
    • Professor El-Deiry’s findings emphasize the importance of monitoring individuals for any signs or symptoms of blood clots following vaccination.
  2. Myocarditis:
    • Myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle, has also been reported as a potential adverse effect of C19 injections. Professor El-Deiry’s studies have highlighted cases where individuals developed myocarditis shortly after receiving the vaccine.
    • While the occurrence of myocarditis after vaccination is relatively rare, it is crucial to recognize the symptoms, which can include chest pain, shortness of breath, and palpitations. Timely identification and appropriate management are essential in minimizing the impact of this adverse effect.
  3. Cardiac Arrests:
    • In rare instances, C19 injections have been associated with cardiac arrests. Professor El-Deiry’s research has identified cases where individuals experienced sudden, unexpected cardiac arrest shortly after vaccination.
    • Cardiac arrests can have life-threatening consequences, necessitating immediate medical attention. Professor El-Deiry underscores the importance of early recognition and prompt intervention to improve outcomes in such cases.
  4. Other Adverse Effects:
    • In addition to blood clots, myocarditis, and cardiac arrests, other adverse events have been documented following C19 injections. These include allergic reactions, neurological complications, and adverse effects on fertility and pregnancy.

Source: Twitter, Youtube,

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