Monday, February 3, 2025

Dr. Roberto Petrella: In the near future, there will be a fake pandemic known as Marburg Virus!


Dr. Roberto Petrella: In the near future, there will be a fake pandemic known as Marburg Virus! This is a hemorrhagic fever similar to Ebola, a highly deadly virus. This is actually a consequence of the COVID vaccine. It is already being manufactured. In the event that this agenda is continued, 88% of Italians will die!

Dr. Roberto Petrella on Marburg Virus in Italy

Dr. Petrella is a retired gynaecologist from Teramo in Italy who has already garnered controversy over his Covid 19 views. Petrella was expelled from the Order of Doctors after retirement for his views surrounding the HPV vaccine which he considers to be ineffective and in some cases dangerous. Petrella upheld his right to his opinion and stated that he is against any kind of mandatory vaccine. Petrella is appealing against the decision.(

The Dangers of the COVID Operation | Dr. Roberto Petrella


What do we know?

We know that the tests do not work but governments pretend that they do. We also know that some vaccines sterilize people. Warp Speed vaccine preparation almost guarantees vaccine injury, plus it is an entirely new DNA altering vaccine. Big Pharma is not liable for injuries. Nano-tech is also part of the equation with Immunity Passports etc. — Mark Taliano

Regarding Covid19, the gynecologist said:

”Doctors and virologists go on television every day to tell shit and lies to create panic. Time to send home all these highly paid gentlemen and consultants who have kept us locked up in jail. We can’t take it anymore”.

Petrella wrote a letter to the Abruzzo region authorities:

Translated from Italian:

Text by Oltra TV.

“I am ashamed to have been represented, in this health emergency, by doctors on television who said shit and created anxiety. A revolution can come out here,” Petrella continued.

He then also turned to the police who in this period have been the protagonists of several unpleasant episodes:

“With what conscience you make a fine of 500 euros to poor people!”

It does not fail to deal with one of the most discussed issues of this phase.

“The mask, in addition to creating the now known complications, predisposes to cancer.”

But the worst is that you are planning to force the children to put them in school. ‘Dr. Petrella then added:

“There will be war. Did you understand scientists of my feet, virologists of my shoes? Open everything again, nothing happens”.

About two weeks ago the Abruzzese doctor sent a registered letter to the President of the Abruzzo Region Marco Marsilio and for information to the Regional Health Councilor Nicoletta Verì, to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Teramo, to the Carabinieri Command of Teramo and to the General Director of the ASL of Teramo. The object of the registered letter is the mandatory use of masks for this emergency.

Petrella about the emergency declared:

“You created the panic, there is no emergency. The virus will return in October because you said the vaccine is already ready”.

The doctor is very hesitant on this aspect because it takes years to make a vaccine and making one on a virus that is so changeable is unthinkable: “Colleagues, react, strike.”

The mask is harmful and infringes the rights. In the letter the doctor wrote:

“I do not intend to use the aforementioned mask, at least in open spaces and with sufficient distance from other people”.

Petrella then touched on the legal issue:

“Since the mask is a medical surgical device, it cannot be imposed, under penalty of violation of Article 32 of the Constitution and of the Oviedo Convention signed by Italy”.

He also added:

“On the basis of the anti-terrorism law and article 85 of the TULPS (Consolidated Law on Public Safety): “It is forbidden to circulate misrepresented, or with an unidentifiable face”.

Then Petrella touched on the topic of the correct use of the masks that should be changed several times a day to have an effective action:

“You do it? If you see an elder afterwards, do you change it immediately? “It limits the physiological act, primary and essential for life, that is, breathing. The lack of a free and healthy breathing is incompatible with an optimal state of health which represents the primary good of each individual, well protected by the Constitution and by the laws 848/55 and by the law 881/77″.
“Why don’t you journalists say anything about these things?” You are accomplices. People are reacting, they can’t take it anymore. He can’t live, he has no money left. They will come to Rome”.

Still taking up the text:

“It is immediately understandable that within the space between the face and the mask an accumulation of hypercapnic stale air is rapidly created and more saturated with microbes, viruses, bacteria and fungi contained within the oral cavity. This increases the possibility of developing pathologies of the lower respiratory tract”.

He also pointed out in the registered letter that there is the possibility of dispersing air through the escape routes between the mask and the face that are created above, below and to the side:

“So what the fuck is it for?” “Prolonged use of the mask over the months involves, for the reasons explained above, an increase in tissue acidosis which, as is now well known, predisposes to the onset of cancer”, Petrella continued.”The imposition of the mask is detrimental to the dignity of the individual, it metaphorically represents a gag, a symbol of slavery”.

Although these are words contained in the letter sent to the President of the Abruzzo Region.

“With the Nuremberg trial, for the first time in history, it is established that no law can be harmful to human dignity. It is, in the hierarchy of laws, superior to any law. You cannot pretend to ignore it”.

Petrella then concluded the reading of the letter:

”If as a result of this communication an oppressive action is taken against me, to force me to use the mask in all situations of parking outside the home, I will take legal action to protect my rights and my health“.

Finally, the Abruzzo doctor invited everyone to send this letter to their regional presidents to make themselves heard and save the future.

According to WHO What is the Marburg virus and how dangerous is it?

The Marburg virus was first traced to the African green monkey

The outbreak was traced to African green monkeys imported from Uganda. 

But the virus has since been linked to other animals.

Among humans, it is spread mostly by people who have spent long periods in caves and mines populated by bats. 

In recent years, there have also been outbreaks of the Marburg virus in: 

  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Ghana
  • the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Kenya
  • South Africa
  • Uganda
  • Zimbabwe

A 2005 outbreak in Angola killed more than 300 people.

However, in the rest of the world, only two people have died from the Marburg virus in the past 40 years – one person in Europe and one in the US. 

Both had been on expeditions to caves in Uganda.

Symptoms of the Marburg Virus Disease

According to the World Health Organization, symptoms of the Marburg Virus commonly include:

  • Abrupt Fever
  • Severe Headache
  • Extreme Malaise and Lethargy
  • Muscle Aches
  • Cramping
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • “Ghost-Like” Features and Deep Set Eyes
  • Non-Itchy Rash
  • Bleeding, Often From Multiple Areas
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Aggression
  • Severe Blood Loss
  • Death

As the CDC states, an important note is the lengthy incubation period, which means that you can have the virus for 2-21 days before it becomes onset and begins showing symptoms.

According to the WHO,


It can be difficult to clinically distinguish MVD from other infectious diseases such as malaria, typhoid fever, shigellosis, meningitis and other viral haemorrhagic fevers. Confirmation that symptoms are caused by Marburg virus infection are made using the following diagnostic methods:

  • antibody-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
  • antigen-capture detection tests
  • serum neutralization test
  • reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay
  • electron microscopy
  • virus isolation by cell culture.

Samples collected from patients are an extreme biohazard risk; laboratory testing on non-inactivated samples should be conducted under maximum biological containment conditions. All biological specimens should be packaged using the triple packaging system when transported nationally and internationally.

Treatment and vaccines

Currently, there are no vaccines or antiviral treatments approved for MVD. However, supportive care – rehydration with oral or intravenous fluids – and treatment of specific symptoms, improves survival. 

There are monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) under development and antivirals e.g. Remdesivir and Favipiravir that have been used in clinical studies for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) that could also be tested for MVD or used under compassionate use/expanded access.

In May 2020, the EMA granted a marketing authorisation to Zabdeno (Ad26.ZEBOV) and Mvabea (MVA-BN-Filo). against EVD. The Mvabea contains a virus known as Vaccinia Ankara Bavarian Nordic (MVA) which has been modified to produce 4 proteins from Zaire ebolavirus and three other viruses of the same group (filoviridae). The vaccine could potentially protect against MVD, but its efficacy has not been proven in clinical trials.

Marburg virus in animals

Rousettus aegyptiacus bats are considered natural hosts for Marburg virus. There is no apparent disease in the fruit bats. As a result, the geographic distribution of Marburg virus may overlap with the range of Rousettus bats.

African green monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) imported from Uganda were the source of infection for humans during the first Marburg outbreak.

Experimental inoculations in pigs with different Ebola viruses have been reported and show that pigs are susceptible to filovirus infection and shed the virus. Therefore, pigs should be considered as a potential amplifier host during MVD outbreaks. Although no other domestic animals have yet been confirmed as having an association with filovirus outbreaks, as a precautionary measure they should be considered as potential amplifier hosts until proven otherwise.

Precautionary measures are needed in pig farms in Africa to avoid pigs becoming infected through contact with fruit bats. Such infection could potentially amplify the virus and cause or contribute to MVD outbreaks.

The Egyptian rousette fruit bat is one of the main carriers of the virus

Related Article:

How is the Marburg virus spread?

African green monkeys and pigs can carry it.

The Egyptian rousette fruit bat often also harbours the virus.

Among humans, it spreads through bodily fluids and contact with contaminated bedding.

Even after people have recovered, their blood or semen can remain infectious for many months afterwards. 

How can it be treated?

There are no specific treatments or a vaccine for the virus. 

But a range of blood products, drug and immune therapies are being developed, the WHO says.

Doctors may be able to alleviate the symptoms by giving hospital patients plenty of fluids and using transfusions to replace lost blood.

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How can it be contained? 

People in Africa should avoid eating or handling bushmeat, according to Gavi, an international health organisation.


People should also avoid contact with pigs in areas with an outbreak, says the WHO.

Men who have had the virus should use condoms for a year after the onset of symptoms or until their semen tests negative for the virus twice.

Those who bury people who have died from the virus should also avoid touching the body. 

Marburg Virus Natural Remedies For Prevention

In this article, we’ll break down one of the diseases that is appearing more and more in the news due to an increase in cases, though outside of the United States, in 2023: The Marburg Virus Disease.

Part of the danger of the Marburg Virus is that there are no proven medical treatments, according to the World Health Organization.

( )

There is a range of potential treatments that are being experimented with on non-human primates, but none that have ever been tried on humans, according to the CDC.

Medical Treatment for the Marburg Virus

Triple-A Detox: Natural Remedy for Prevention of the Marburg Virus

While instances are rare, the American Society for Microbiology( ) calls for a spotlight to be put on the issue and for preparation to be taken for potential pandemics. With this call and the lack of licensed treatments, it is important to consider how one can take steps with their natural health to prevent contracting the virus.

To help keep yourself safe, it is good to rid yourself of toxins that make your body more susceptible to viruses and the mutations of viruses.

The expert staff at Herbs Etc has put together the Triple-A Detox, which is a three-month protocol meant to be repeated a number of times, depending on your exposure to toxins, environmental history, and mineralization quality. The three steps target Aluminum, Antimony, and Arsenicum.

Throughout the three steps of this program, there is an additional toxin that will be repeatedly targeted called glyphosate. This is a particularly difficult toxin to avoid, since it’s present in drinking water, in food, and in the air you breathe, which is why it calls for such consistent attention throughout the detox.

Month 1: Aluminum Detox

Aluminum can enter your body through a number of sources, including many brands of deodorant, baking products, and some water sources. The following list of minerals and remedies works to separate aluminum from the brain tissue, nerve tissue, cells, and general biology before being removed along with all other unwanted metals.

The daily protocol will include:

  • Iodine
  • Selenomethionine
  • Super Natural Boron
  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin C
  • Probiotic Eleven
  • Fulvic/Humic Minerals liquid
  • Good fats/omegas (NSP or Barlean’s Fish or Flax oil)
  • Orgono G5 Silica liquid
  • Heavy Metal Detox
  • Homeopathic Aluminum antidote

Month 2: Antimony Detox

Antimony is found in a number of sources, including rubber, textiles, paints, batteries, and more, but the biggest source is plastic. That means plastic containers for food and drinks.

This element is a factor in hormone disruption, weight imbalances, blood sugar problems, cancers, and other chronic diseases. The importance here is that concentrations of antimony in the body can lead to the body becoming more susceptible to viruses.

The daily protocol will include:

  • Iodine
  • Selenomethionine
  • Super Natural Boron
  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin C
  • Probiotic Eleven
  • Fulvic/Humic Minerals liquid
  • Good fats/omegas (NSP or Barlean’s Fish or Flax oil)
  • EnviroDetox
  • Homeopathic Antimony antidote

Month 3: Arsenic Detox

You may have heard of arsenic being incredibly toxic. Despite that, it appears in our drinking water, as well as in cosmetics, cigarettes, and in the air, as a direct result of industrial air pollution. The amount of arsenic found in each of these sources is considered to be “acceptable”, but, like all other heavy metals, it accumulates over time in the body. This means that small amounts of unavoidable arsenic add up over a long period of time.

The daily protocol will include:

  • Iodine
  • Selenomethionine
  • Super Natural Boron
  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin C
  • Probiotic Eleven
  • Fulvic/Humic Minerals liquid
  • Good fats/omegas (NSP or Barlean’s Fish or Flax oil)
  • Kidney Drainage liquid
  • Urinary Maintenance
  • Homeopathic Arsenic antidote

All Months: Glyphosate Detox

Glyphosate, colloquially known as Roundup, is an herbicide that is commonly used on the food we eat. While eating organically as much as possible can help reduce exposure, its wide usage has made it impossible to truly avoid.

The daily protocol will include:

  • Iodine
  • Selenomethionine
  • Super Natural Boron
  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin C
  • Fulvic/Humic Minerals liquid
  • Good fats/omegas (NSP or Barlean’s Fish or Flax oil)
  • Liquid ION Gut Health
  • Homeopathic Glyphosate/RoundUp antidote

Vitamins and Minerals to Focus On

In order to ensure that you are getting the right nutrients to achieve holistic natural health that prevents illnesses, like the Marburg Virus Disease, focus on ensuring that you get the right amount of these vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin C: In a study by The National Institutes of Health ( ), it was found that Vitamin C is effective in protecting immune cells and protecting tissue integrity. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, especially in cell-mediated response, which is a type of immunity that does not involve antibodies.
  • Vitamin D3: While this vitamin is known for helping bones and muscles, a study by Harvard Medical School( ) found that Vitamin D also helps prevent respiratory illnesses, such as colds and cases of flu.
  • Zinc: The National Institutes of Health (  reports Zinc as being crucial to fighting off bacteria and viruses, making this a critical nutrient for your immune system.

As with any virus, the key is to focus on your holistic natural health, keeping every aspect of your body working at peak efficiency to minimize the potential of contracting any diseases. These three vitamins and minerals are some of the most important for shielding off potential viruses.

Additional Informational:

Bill Gates Dismisses the COVID Lab Leak Theory & Warns of Coming ‘Unnatural Epidemics‘ “The evidence is very clear that it’s naturally caused – it’s a bat virus. We’re going to have natural epidemics and sadly we may have some unnatural epidemics in the future…”

Source: BBC, Golden Age of Gaia, Herbsetc, Rumble, Geopolitics, Oltra TV, Wikipedia

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