Our Qvive Network is committed to providing a safe and supportive space for these grieving parents to share their stories, express their emotions, and find solace in the company of others who have experienced similar loss. We understand that seeking justice for their children is an integral part of the healing process, and we are dedicated to assisting them every step of the way.
We aim to educate the government and media on the dangers of spreading false information about vaccine safety. Qvive.in continues to provide accurate information and we strongly believe in Truth, Honesty, and Transparency.

There has been a growing concern among parents about the safety of vaccines and the potential risks associated with them. Tragically, some parents have even experienced the devastating loss of their children as a result of vaccination. These heartbreaking stories have sparked an outcry among affected families who are now seeking justice and answers.
Losing a child is a devastating experience that no parent should have to endure. For those who have lost their child due to vaccination, the pain and anguish are intensified. With questions surrounding vaccine safety and efficacy, these parents find themselves caught between the desperate need to protect their children’s health and the fear of potential harm. They yearn for answers and reassurance that their loss will not be in vain.
When tragedy strikes, parents deserve answers and accountability. Adv.Nilesh Ojah, Adv.Dipali Ojha and their team have been a source of support and guidance for the grieving parents, helping them understand the legal recourse available to them. With their expertise, they have assisted many families in navigating the complexities of the legal system and ensuring that their voices are heard.
As we watch these videos, we completely immerse ourselves in the heart-wrenching stories of parents who have lost their children and explore how Advocate Nilesh Ojha and Advocate Dipali Ojha, have successfully fought legal battles in India to address government negligence.
Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 3:
UHO experts and AIM members, referring to the Universal Health Organization and the Awaken India Movement, respectively, have recently expressed their concerns regarding the HPV vaccine and its potential side effects. These medical professionals have advised against the administration of the vaccine due to the perceived risks associated with it.
The UHO and AIM Team websites have numerous records of these tragic incidents, with many cases of deaths being documented.
Covid Vaccine Death Reports – India

AIM initiative to collect reports of deaths post Covid-19 Injection.
Ref: https://t.me/indiavaccinedeaths
India’s Forgotten Babies–Videos

The untold story of the tyranny of childhood vaccinations in India
Ref: https://t.me/IndiasForgottenBabies
On Qvive Network, the Universal Health Organisation, and the Awaken India Movement Team support and empathize with parents seeking justice for their beloved children.
In order to view the information, you will need to log in to the websites that have been provided here.
UHO: https://uho.org.in
AIM: https://awakenindiamovement.com/
Addional Information:

Adv. Dipali N. Ojha
Advocate, Head-Legal Cell, Indian Bar Association. Ignoramuses and pharma shills will be blocked immediately.
The head of the Indian Bar Association’s legal cell, Dipali Ojha, details the latest developments of her organization’s ongoing pursuit of justice and accountability related to her country’s management of covid and vaccination. Ojha details a string of wins and talks about the her organization filing the world’s first murder charges against Bill Gates as a vaccine manufacturer. Link to case against Gates: https://indianbarassociation.in/worlds-first-vaccine-murder-case-against-bill-gates-adar-poonawalla-filed-in-indias-high-court/

Adv. (Er.) Nilesh C. Ojha,
National President of the Indian Bar Association.
Advocate Nilesh C. Ojha is a passionate human rights activist who works relentlessly for awareness and protection of fundamental human rights. He is based at Mumbai and practices at Bombay High Court and the Supreme Court of India. His mission is to create a Humanist Global India.
The Highest Court in India

Watch Video: https://www.oval.media/en/6e3175b3-e98d-46a7-9fd2-abd699c5cdf4/
Source: Ovalmedia, Youtube
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