Friday, July 26, 2024

Dr. Heiko Schöning: COVID-19 pandemic mirrors the anthrax outbreak of 2001


The COVID-19 outbreak is a copy of the anthrax epidemic in 2001

Dr. Heiko Schöning from Germany is pointing out that the anthrax deceptions from 20 years ago are similar to what we are seeing with the coronavirus pandemic now. He mentions that the same code words are being used. In the end, the anthrax was traced back to a US Army lab.

Dr. Schöning points out that just like the COVID-19 outbreak, there was a simulated exercise three months before the anthrax attacks. Interestingly, CIA operatives were involved in the planning stages for both the anthrax and COVID-19 epidemics.


Heiko Schöning is a German doctor

Heiko Schöning is a German doctor, inventor, author and entrepreneur who became known nationwide in 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic through his activities against protective measures against the new coronavirus. Schöning comes from Hamburg and studied medicine in Berlin, England and Australia. After completing his studies, he switched to business. There is no evidence that he ever worked clinically or practiced medicine. Since 2015, Schöning appears to have been running a consulting company, in addition to working as an inventor.

Dr Schöning is a physician and researcher with experience in biotechnology and immunology. He authored a book, “Game Over – Covid-19/Anthrax-01” and founded the Covid-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee. He is vice president of the World Freedom Alliance.

In 2022 Dr.Schöning appeared at an AZK (18th AZK) event hosted by Swiss cult leader Ivo Sasek. In 2022, he made an appearance at the 18th AZK event organized by Swiss cult leader Ivo Sasek. The head of Novavax, an American vaccine company, was none other than Michael McManus (born on March 11, 1943). Interestingly, he had a criminal past as a convicted drug trafficker and arms dealer.

Dr. Heiko Schöning – “This is how I knew what would happen in 2020”

Oracle Films produced this short documentary including an interview with Dr Heiko Schöning, showing one small part of the propaganda campaign we have all been victim to.

The German Dr. Heiko Schöning also participated in the II. At the Budapest COVID Conference. The vice-president of The World Doctors Alliance and The World Freedom Alliance gave a presentation related to the production of coronavirus vaccines, in which he also presented his publication Game Over, in which he names the people who profit from the pandemic and who control the world’s health industry and the world.

Source: Orvosokatisztanlatasert, Rumble, Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter

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