Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tag: Coronavirus

The Supreme Court has ruled that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for emergency services in Queensland is ‘unlawful’ and a violation of Human Rights.

Queensland's supreme court rules COVID-19 vaccine mandates for police and ambulance workers unlawful. The court on Tuesday delivered its judgments in three lawsuits brought by...

Dr. Heiko Schöning: COVID-19 pandemic mirrors the anthrax outbreak of 2001

The COVID-19 outbreak is a copy of the anthrax epidemic in 2001 Dr. Heiko Schöning from Germany is pointing out that the anthrax deceptions from...

The use of bioweapons in research is strictly prohibited under an international treaty, yet there appears to be a lack of effective monitoring to...

The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) is an international treaty that prohibits the development, production, and possession of biological weapons. It was opened for signature...

Mining the Mind: Microsoft’s Innovative Patent Uncovers the Secret to Cryptocurrency through Brain Activity

Microsoft Patent Describes Tracking Brain Activity to Mine Cryptocurrency The patent suggests using body heat, fluids, or brainwaves to validate blockchain transactions and award users...

WATCH: Colourful nocturnal drone display brings the wildlife of the Amazon to Manhattan’s skies

OCTOBER 16, 2023: Brightly coloured animals, fish and birds walked, swam and flew across Manhattan’s night time skyline as a thousand drones were used...

RFID चिप और कोरोना वायरस वैक्सीन के बीच संबंध हो सकता है

यह लेख अंग्रेजी में उपलब्ध है देखें: मनुष्यों में RFID चिप के दुष्प्रभाव और आरएफआईडी किसी व्यक्ति के डीएनए को बदल सकते हैं फाइजर कोविड वैक्सीन शीशी...