USA Inc. NASA War Documents Depopulation & You – Deborah Tavares, Trevor Coppola – Conspiracy Con (2013)
Deborah Tavares explores some of the ways depopulation may occur and how everyday things we are exposed to may be used as weapons against the people. If Depopulation is the objective these may be the tools to do just that. Filmed at Conspiracy Con 2013

Deborah Tavares : weather wars, water wars, frequency wars, smart meters, epidemics/bioterrorism, the great culling, vaccines, Antichrist Maitreya, “Oneness”, 5G, cashless society, mark of the beast, global depopulation, NWO Frankenfoods, climate change, Weapons of God system, “Voice of God”, Maitreya’s Day of Declaration, land and gun grabs, emerging police state, biometrics ID (ID 2020) and MUCH more! Deborah Tavares is an activist who addresses the concerns regarding Agenda 21 and smart meters. She has appeared all over the alternative media circuit including the Alex Jones show. She has said that smart meters are a health risk and can bankrupt households.
Document Disclosures – GERM Warfare via Aerosols is LEGAL Sustainable Goals – We WILL Own Nothing Power Outages, Water Shutdowns, No In-Home Heating, Increases in Micro Toxins
Weather Attacks on ALL Infrastructure IS Targeted Universal Basic Income is HERE Project Sunshine “Secret” Radiation Testing And Much More . . . You CAN Prepare to Survive and HELP to WARN Others. Please Share Far and Wide . .
Deborah Tavares exposes the NASA FUTURE WARFARE DOCUMENT declared on ‘us’ in 1954 by the Bilderbergs
WW3 declared on ‘us’ in 1954 by the Bilderbergs! Deborah Tavares exposes the NASA FUTURE WARFARE DOCUMENT, found on NASA servers that discusses the aims of the illuminati & about the failure of human beings as a species. They argue that we are too large, slow, tender and heavy, cost too much to maintain and now have negative value status and need to be replaced. They talk about the myriad of possible ways that they will kill us, some of them being used is very evident today. The heading ROBOTS, CYBORGS AND HUMANS discusses the transhumanism agenda. Another – Capture, Torture Americans in living colour & exploit CNN syndrome speaks for itself. The illuminati believe they have recently accomplished immortality, they don’t get cancer and use chips and other medical defences to ward off the frequencies that are targeted at 100% of the population. Half way through (7 minutes) she also exposes another document “Silent Weapons for Future Wars” that was the Bilderberg policy announced at the first Bilderberg meeting in May 1954 where the elite declared WORLD WAR THREE on us & laid out the strategies they would use to control the human population. This document together with the “Iron Mountain” document talks about a combination of irresistible attacks upon humanity and how they will control humanity. They say how they will use (sic, now using) Chemtrails, nano fibers, smart dust, fluoride, GMO, vaccines, radiation, frequency and EMP attacks, climate change, education, media etc to control us. They are rewriting history and science towards their CO2/Climate change/Fiat money agenda! This is a war against the people and we can see now see for ourselves their War document. They brag how they could easily TAKE DOWN AMERICA with only 10 people and less than $10 million.

Download the document:
Deborah Tavares reveals covid-test created lockdown systems on humanity. Full. All 3 parts
Deborah Tavares and Ron Angell 21st Century Weapons at the Speed of Light
Source: beforeitsnews, concen, stopthecrime, Youtube, listennotes,
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