Monday, September 16, 2024

The Simpsons’ prediction of a Microsoft outage intrigued online users


In recent days, a video clip from the popular animated TV show “The Simpsons” has been making rounds on social media platforms. The clip shows a scenario where the characters are discussing a major technology outage, with a mention of “Microsoft servers crashing”. Many users are claiming that this clip is proof that “The Simpsons” had predicted the recent Microsoft outage. But is this fact or fiction?

Over the years, “The Simpsons” has gained a reputation for seemingly predicting real-life events. From the election of Donald Trump to the outbreak of the Zika virus, fans have pointed out several instances where the show seems to have foretold the future. 

In the viral clip, the characters are seen discussing a major technology outage, with a specific mention of “Microsoft servers crashing”. While this may seem like a direct prediction of the recent Microsoft outage.

The worldwide Microsoft Outage has caused a major disruption in global services, leading to a standstill due to the Windows Crash.

Various sectors such as Banks, Airlines, the Stock Market, and the entire global workforce were affected on Friday as a result of the Microsoft crash. 

The outage also led to the grounding of multiple airlines worldwide and caused media houses like Sky Network to crash, with the effects still being felt after many hours. CEO Satya Nadella addressed the issue, acknowledging the impact of an update released by CrowdStrike and assuring customers of technical guidance and support to safely bring their systems back online.

The Simpsons clip has been making rounds on social media, suggesting that the American sitcom had foreseen the Microsoft Outage years in advance. For those unfamiliar, The Simpsons, an American Sitcom, first aired on December 17, 1989. With 768 episodes, The Simpsons holds the record for being the longest-running American animated series. However, in recent years, Users on social media platforms have shared brief clips from The Simpsons and drawn comparisons with real-life events.

The viral clip from The Simpsons features a child questioning, “Can a single bug really corrupt all other computers, dad?” The footage then shifts to a news segment reporting that a solitary content update led to a global outage for Microsoft.

Watch Full Episode: Microsoft References in The Simpsons

Source: Revelationtoday

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