Friday, September 13, 2024

Trump Raises Alarm Over Lockdowns and Election Fraud: The WHO’s Monkeypox Warning – Political Plot or Public Health Concern?


Trump Raises Alarm Over Lockdowns and Election Fraud: People are linking Monkeypox outbreaks to government restrictions like those during the COVID plandemic. 

Donald Trump has been vocal about his concerns regarding the possibility of new lockdowns being implemented. He has suggested that these lockdowns could be used as a tool to manipulate the outcomes of the upcoming US elections. Additionally, many of Trump’s followers have expressed concerns about the potential impact of new lockdowns on the upcoming elections. 

WeWillNotComply: Trump supporters fear WHO’s mpox declaration is part of a conspiracy to influence the upcoming presidential election.

Former President Donald Trump once grabbed attention by expressing worries about possible new lockdowns and how they might affect the upcoming elections. Trump’s warnings about lockdowns, election fraud, and new variants have sparked discussions and debates across the country. In this article, we will delve deeper into Trump’s statements, the possible implications of lockdowns on the election process, and the growing concerns among his followers.

Supporters are sharing a video of Trump from last year, where he stated, “The left-wing crazies are working hard to bring back Covid lockdowns with their sudden panic about the new variants.”

His followers have begun to connect the dots between the current monkeypox outbreak and an overarching narrative of government overreach, suggesting that the emergence of this new health threat could serve as a pretext for reintroducing restrictive measures that align with the political interests of those in power. Just something to think about!

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a new strain of mpox, previously known as monkeypox, a global health emergency.

This announcement by WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has sparked a wave of theories among supporters of former U.S. President Donald Trump.

Supporters of Trump claim that the WHO’s choice is part of a larger plot to create another pandemic that would interfere with the 2024 U.S. presidential election. They argue that the timing of the declaration, just 82 days before the election, is intended to undermine Trump’s campaign.

The announcement has led to a surge in hashtags like #DoNotComply and #WeWillNotComply, as Trump supporters reject any potential health mandates arising from this declaration, labelling it a “scam.”

Live Q&A: Monkeypox Outbreak Follows ‘Germ-Game’ Prep; Media Falsify ‘2000 Mules’ Claims In Georgia

Source: Revelation Today

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