Monday, March 10, 2025

The ‘New Normal’ Is An Old Idea


Revisiting Nuremberg 1.0 on the way to Nuremberg 2.0

There is a push for medical passports to track one’s health status. There is another push for  ‘Smart Cities,’ with housing in ‘convenient’ quarters within 15 minutes of work, school, and recreation. There is a big push for only digital currency. And there is yet another push for facial recognition identification systems in all public squares. 

The global network of cabal deep state agents wants you to think Big Brother is looking out for you. But Big Brother wants to look AT you, track you, and control the narrative to control YOU.

When all else fails, lie about it.

This is precisely how the German Nazi regime bewildered masses into the consent of experimental medical treatment and concentration camps. There was no pushback because the people trusted their leadership which had been feeding them lies for decades. 

Does that sound familiar?

As pointed out in this article > And you thought it was about a virus, the c19 plandemic was not a random act, possibly precipitated by someone’s stupidity in a lab ‘somewhere.’ It was a planned act coordinated for decades before its release upon the public by the very leaders who were elected to safeguard our interests. 

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When this similarity is pointed out, mockingbird media, corrupt-o-crats, and fake news critics cry out the same narrative, calling it anti-Semitic rhetoric to hush the truth to those who can see through the veil of deception. 


Negating the effects of the liars club we call mainstream media, Vera Sharav presents a five-part docuseries entitled ‘Never Again Is Now Global’ that effectively changes the narrative. 

This dramatic series host “Holocaust survivors who compare the repressive stages under the Nazi regime with global Covid-19 policies.”


“Never Again is Now Global” trailer

RubyRayMedia on Rumble
Published Jan 31, 2023
Length 4:16

Vera Sharav perfectly describes a few similarities between the c19 plandemic and Nazi Germany’s control tactics using medical lies in this short introductory trailer. The entire series promises to be very telling. 
“Those who are responsible for the pandemic have used two of the weapons that the Nazis used, which was fear and propaganda. Propaganda feeds the fear, foments it, hardens it.”

The five-part docuseries, ‘NEVER AGAIN IS NOW GLOBAL”, can be found at this link: CHDTV👈 FREE. There is no catch. Each video is free to the public and free to share. 

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The five 1-hour long episodes are being released one at a time, starting with Part 1, released Jan 30, 2023, and continuing to Part 5, Feb 3, 2023. 

“Until now, anyone who has attempted to make even modest comparisons [to the Nazi death camps] has invited a barrage of angry, sustained criticism.” We made the film to change that.” ~ Vera Sharav 

Sharav’s son died from an adverse reaction to an allegedly “safe and effective” drug doctors prescribed. After her son’s death, Sharav founded the Alliance for Human Research Protection, a nonprofit organization whose “mission is to ensure that the moral right of voluntary medical decision-making is upheld.”

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It's a race between enslavement and expansion of global human consciousness. 

Because there are many, many, many, many more of us. I'm advocating for nonviolent civil disobedience, an absolute rejection of all the members. 


~ Vera Sharav

Summary on how the Nuremberg Code’s 3 – 10 is being violated.

RubyRayMedia on Rumble
Published Jan 9, 2022
Length 2:19

New Normal for Digital Life 2025

Pew Research and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center conducted a large-scale canvassing of technology experts, scholars, corporate and public practitioners and other leaders from June 30-July 27, 2020, asking them to share their answer to the following:

The Question: Life in 2025? There have been significant debates since the emergence of COVID-19 about its potential impact on global society. Much of the conversation has centered on the transformation of people’s social interactions, their physical and mental health, economic and social divisions, the nature of work and jobs, local, national and global politics, climate change 

and the globalization of goods and services. Of course, the evolution of people and technology could play a major role across some aspects of the ‘new normal’ in the years to come. What do you envision the ‘new normal’ for digital life will be in 2025? Consider the changes that are being set in motion by the COVID-19 outbreak and the way societies are responding. Do you predict these changes will lead to life in 2025 that is mostly better for most people, mostly worse for most people or not much different for most people than life was at the time the pandemic began?

915 respondents answered the question

  • About 47% said life will be mostly worse for most people in 2025 than when the pandemic began.
  • About 39% said life will be mostly better for most people in 2025.
  • About 14% said life in 2025 will not be much different for most people than before the pandemic began in 2020.

They were asked to elaborate on their choice with these prompts: If you expect change, what do you think the ‘new normal’ will be for the average person in 2025? What will have changed most? What will not change much at all? We are particularly interested in what you think will happen to the way people use and think about technology. Please describe what you think the ‘new normal’ will look like with regard to the role of digital technologies in individuals’ personal and professional lives, their daily routines, their well-being, their privacy, their employment and economic security. What hopes do you have for tech-related changes that might make life better in coming years? What worries you about the role of technology and technology companies in individuals’ lives in 2025?

Experts Say the ‘New Normal’ in 2025 Will Be More Tech-Driven, With More Big Challenges A plurality of experts think sweeping societal change will make life worse for most people as greater inequality, rising authoritarianism and rampant misinformation take hold in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. Still, a portion believe life will be better in a ‘tele-everything’ world where workplaces, health care and social activity improve 

The full report with an organized analysis of responses is here.

The new normal is digital ( United Nations )

With half of the global population under lockdown and with 90 per cent of students out of school at one point in 2020, the Internet has become our classroom, our workplace, our meeting space and even our dancefloor. The 2020 Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF ) is gathering this month to ensure that the Internet continues to connect us and not drive us apart.

Held under the theme of “Internet for human resilience and solidarity,” the Internet Governance Forum meeting will be hosted online by UN DESA on behalf of the Secretary-General between 2 and 17 November.

“The post-COVID-19 era will bring forward a new normal – one that will accelerate digital transformation in many areas,” said Liu Zhenmin, UN Under-Secretary-General and Head of UN DESA.  “These include digital economy, digital finance, digital government, digital health, and digital education.”

“Indeed, many governments and businesses have already turned to digital platforms and digital solutions. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed harsh fragilities and digital divides that have been allowed to develop for far too long,” he added.

Featuring more than 150 sessions that focus on four main thematic tracks: Data, Environment, Inclusion, and Trust, the Forum “represents the extraordinary role that the Internet has been ‎playing during the pandemic,” according to Anriette Esterhuysen, Chair of the Forum’s Multistakeholder Advisory Group.

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It will “approach network resilience ‎specifically from a people-centered perspective, exploring how it has supported the human ‎resilience and solidarity needed to respond to the many challenges posed by the pandemic,” ‎she added.

The Forum highlights include:

High-Level Leaders Track:

Leaders from governments, intergovernmental and international organizations, academic and research communities as well as businesses will participate in the high-level track, with discussions centered around Internet Governance in the Age of Uncertainty. Dedicated sessions will be held on issues related to health, the economy, security, social development and the environment.

Parliamentary Roundtable:

The Parliamentary Roundtable session with the theme “Building trust in a time of COVID-19 response and post-COVID-19 recovery” aims to fast-track the translation of the Forum’s recommendations into national laws, by bringing its outcomes to national legislative bodies for follow up and concrete action.

Youth Summit

It is the young minds that are truly shaping our shared digital space today. Their voices and perspectives will take centre stage at the Internet Governance Forum 2020 global Youth Summit, on 5 November.

Additional Information:

Source: RubyRayMedia, CHD.TV, Elon University, Rumble


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