Saturday, July 27, 2024

Taliban bans women from Eid celebrations in 2 provinces


Kabul: The Taliban regime of Afghanistan has banned the participation of women in the celebrations of Eid-ul-Fitr in Baghlan and Takhar provinces. Since taking power in Afghanistan in August 2021, the Taliban has been continuously imposing new restrictions on women.

Women in Baghlan and Takhar provinces of Afghanistan were prohibited from attending Eid ul-Fitr celebrations by the Taliban, according to a report by Khaama Press. Authorities in these provinces ordered women to not go out in groups during the festival days.

The Taliban’s restrictions on women have increased since they came to power in August 2021 after the US troop withdrawal.

The Taliban’s strict enforcement of their interpretation of Sharia law has led to numerous restrictions on women’s rights in Afghanistan. In addition to prohibiting women from attending Eid celebrations, they have also banned families and women from dining in establishments with gardens and outdoor spaces in the Herat region to stop “gender mingling” and enforce strict hijab rules.

The Taliban have also halted the sale of contraceptives in two of Afghanistan’s main cities, claiming that their use by women is part of a western conspiracy to control the Muslim population.

A Guardian report stated that the Taliban had threatened pharmacy owners not to keep contraceptive pills for sale and were checking every pharmacy in Kabul to ensure compliance with their new regulations.

In addition to these recent developments, the Taliban have ended higher education for girls, closed universities to women, forced women out of jobs, and restricted their ability to leave their homes.

These actions have sparked widespread outrage and condemnation from the international community, with many calling on the Taliban to respect women’s rights and allow them to fully participate in Afghan society.

The Taliban’s actions have also raised concerns about the future of Afghanistan, particularly for women and minorities who fear persecution under the new regime.

Many are calling on the international community to take action to protect the rights of Afghan women and to prevent the Taliban from enforcing their oppressive policies.


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