In a surprising turn of events, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, often referred to as the “Godfather” of the U.S. vaccine program, along with his team, recently revealed in the New England Journal of Medicine that childhood vaccines haven’t been thoroughly studied before or after they were approved. In the past, supporters of vaccines insisted that they were the most rigorously tested products, with Dr. Paul Offit even stating they were the safest and best-tested substances available. However, Plotkin now admits that the trials conducted before approval had small sample sizes and short follow-up periods, and there aren’t enough resources for safety studies after vaccines are authorized. This significant news is best summarized by Aaron Siri, a leading vaccine safety lawyer from Siri & Glimstad, LLP and the Informed Consent Action Network (iCAN), who had previously questioned Dr. Plotkin in 2018.

Explore the insights provided by attorney Aaron Siri on his Substack platform, titled Injecting Freedom: https://www.vacsafety.org/plotkin-admits-vaccine-safety-studies-lackingcotus-deals-another-blow-to-administrative-state/
Source: Revelation Today
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