Monday, February 3, 2025

Global Health Alert: Adopted IHR amendments strengthen surveillance and require countries to “address misinformation” – but countries have 10 months to reject them


There has been much coverage of the World Health Assembly adopting the amendments to the International Health Regulations.  Unsurprisingly, this coverage has been in independent media and not in corporate media.

The following are brief descriptions of articles, podcasts and press conferences from various sources in recent days.  Some of the concerns are the agreement for governments to “address” misinformation and disinformation, and the wording that further strengthens surveillance – thus laying the groundwork for the surveil-declare-threat-lockdown-coerced mass vaccination approach.

It is important to note that countries have 10 months to reserve or reject provisions, except those countries which rejected the 2022 amendments and so have 18 months.  We must, therefore, keep raising awareness and put pressure on our governments to reject the amendments before the end of March 2025.

At the end, we have included an article about the World Health Organisation’s Science Council, a “group of unelected people who will control your future.”

Tedros Declares Victory, 1 June 2024

In a media briefing [a] on the pandemic, preparedness and response and other developments at the 77thWorld Health Assembly, WHO Dictator General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said:

“Today the nations of the world made history at the World Health Assembly. After 2 years of negotiations, they adopted a strong package of amendments to the International Health Regulations based on the lessons learned from the covid-19 pandemic. The IHR was last updated 19 years ago. The amendments adopted today strengthen global preparedness, surveillance and response to public health emergencies including pandemics.

“And although the Pandemic Agreement has not yet been finalised the Health Assembly has charted the way forward. It has agreed to extend the mandate of the Intergovernmental negotiating body to finalise negotiations on the Pandemic Agreement as soon as possible and by next year’s World Health Assembly at the latest.

“The success of the IHR amendments demonstrates that in our divided and divisive world countries can still come together to find common cause and common ground.”


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IHR Amendments are Practically Meaningless, They’re Benign, 1-3 June 2024

Dr. Meryl Nass has published a series of articles giving a different perspective to what was in the document signed at WHA77.

The first article she published was on the day a new version of the IHR amendments was published for diplomats in Geneva to sign.  The new version was dated 1 June 2024. “I am pleased to report that while I had only a short time to read this, the document looks basically like what I have predicted all week. It is a “vanilla” version from which all terrible items have been removed, with one exception and one partial exception,” she wrote. “The one odious item is the agreement to “address” misinformation and disinformation.”

In her second article, Dr. Nass made a list of “the bullets we just dodged.”  “Some people worry that the IHR amendments passed. DON’T,” she wrote. And reiterated that “one bad thing remained in the IHR, and that was ‘addressing’ misinformation and disinformation, but the IHR did not tell nations how to address it.”

In her third article, she highlighted relevant changes in the new text from the International Health Regulations (2005) and attached her analysis as a PDF.  Accompanying her analysis she wrote (emphasis hers):

The IHR as amended yesterday is benign. I have highlighted relevant changes to assist readers to confirm this, Meryl Nass, 3 June 2024 [ ]

In her fourth article, Dr. Nass wrote: “The IHR amendments were adopted because after 2 years of negotiations, the WHA had to adopt something to save face, and it had become apparent to the globalists that they would not do any better if they delayed a decision. This was very good.”

“The pandemic treaty will continue to be negotiated, but it has been mostly defanged too. Yet we won’t know for a year what the final form of the treaty will be. We will remain vigilant. We will continue to educate about pandemic preparedness,” she said.

And then she shared a comparison of the February 2023 version of the amended IHR to the adopted text.

WHO Takes Another Step Towards the Pit, 4 June 2024

Last week, amid fanfare from both advocates and opponents of centralisation of future pandemic management, the world continued its unfortunate stumble back to old-fashioned public health fascism. The World Health Assembly (“WHA”) adopted the package of amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (“IHR”), apparently just hours after a final text had been agreed by its IHR working group.

The amendments were watered down from previous proposals, under which countries would undertake to place areas of their citizen’s health and human rights under the direction of a single individual in Geneva. Nonetheless, they lay vital groundwork for the further subversion of public health toward a recurrent but lucrative cycle of fear-mongering, suppression, and coercion.

The draft Pandemic Agreement (treaty) had been put back for further negotiation for up to 12 months.  It seems likely that a reformed Intergovernmental Negotiation Body (INB) will be more circumspect in the way it manages debate over the coming months, and external pressure on countries will be ramped up. There is much at stake, hundreds of billions in profit per pandemic if covid-19 is a guide. Countries with major Pharma interests take this seriously. So do the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, which have previously signalled strong support.

The IHR amendments passed by the WHA appear mostly innocuous and have been widely reported as such. However, the important gain for the WHO and its backers (almost 80% of its work is specified directly by its funders) is the wording that further strengthens surveillance – the key element on which the rest of the business case around future pandemics hinges. This is adopted, and there is a willing workforce to make it happen.

The groundwork is laid for the surveil-declare threat-lockdown-coerced mass vaccination approach that has been brewing as an idea among Pharma-related circles for over a decade.


UN, WHO, and WEF Have Just Been Declared Terrorist Organisations By a Republican County Assembly in Florida, 3 June 2024

The Lee County Republican Assembly, which is a grassroots conservative Republican organisation, passed a resolution declaring the UN, WHO, and WEF terrorist organisations.

The resolution additionally brands cooperation with these organisations as an act of treason against the United States and the State of Florida. Unfortunately, the Executive Board of the Lee County Republican Party refused to allow the declaration to come up for a vote by the full Executive Committee, which would have likely passed the resolution as well.

Read More: Adopted IHR amendments strengthen surveillance [ ]

Source: Our Crowd -Image

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