Friday, July 26, 2024

We will not allow organizations aim Islamic rule in India, Centre at Supreme Court


New Delhi: Central government today in the Supreme Court said that it will not allow organizations targeting Islamic rule to operate in India. The Centre made its stand clear in an affidavit filed in the Supreme Court.

The Centre clarified its stance in the affidavit confirming that SIMI has been banned for the eighth time in a row. The affidavit also stated that SIMI’s ban continues as it is a challenge to India’s sovereignty and integrity.

SIMI is against nationalism. It is an organization aimed at Islamic governance. Acting against appointments in India. Therefore, SIMI cannot be allowed to work under any circumstances. The Centre made this clear in an affidavit filed in the Supreme Court. The Union Home Ministry filed the affidavit in the Supreme Court.

The central government first banned SIMI in 2001. Even after the ban, the organization continues to function under various names. SIMI has more than three dozen nutritional associations. Funds are collected through these organizations.

Apart from this, these organizations are used to unite old workers and distribute pamphlets. The organization’s operatives are still involved in interdiction activities affecting national security. The Ministry of Home Affairs stated that the ban will continue in this situation.

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