Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The COVID-19 Storyline Is the Greatest Scam in World History – The Truth Is This Is a ‘Pandemic of the Vaccinated’ – Wayne Allyn Root 


Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Wayne’s new book, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book” is a No. 1 bestseller. Wayne is the host of the nationally syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST and the “WAR RAW” podcast. Visit ROOTforAmerica.com, or listen live at http://usaradio.com/wayne-allyn-root/ or “on demand” 24/7 at iHeartRadio.com.

This week has been eye-opening. Even for me — and I’m the guy who has warned for over a year, in commentary after commentary, and often for three hours a day on my nationally syndicated radio show, that the COVID-19 vaccine could be dangerous and deadly and could lead to catastrophe. 

I stuck my neck out like no other talk show host in America to warn the vaccine may not even prevent illness; in fact, it could damage the immune system, thereby causing more illness and death. And not just from COVID-19, but also from injuries and death linked to the COVID-19 vaccine itself.

Eight months ago, I warned it was time to suspend the vaccine program pending an investigation of mounting deaths, grievous injuries, and permanent disabilities. I titled my commentary, “What if This Experimental COVID Shot Is Killing People? Don’t Americans Have a Right To Know?”

Four months ago, I was courageous enough to scold New York Times medical reporters about the unfolding disaster that they have ignored. I titled my commentary, “What I Just Told the New York Times About the Complete Failure and Disaster of the COVID-19 Vaccine.”

Three months ago, I was the first to warn that Americans were dropping in record numbers of heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots. I titled my commentary, “If the Vaccine Is So Great, Why Are So Many People Dropping Dead?”

But even I was shocked by the plethora of stories coming out just in the past week, from all corners of the world, suggesting the vaccines are indeed a terrible failure and are causing a mass die-off.

Here is a quick look at the FACTS that have come pouring out of the closet just in the past week:

Israel is the most vaccinated major nation in the world. Almost the entire population is quadruple vaccinated. Yet right now Israel is No. 1 in the world for COVID-19 infections. Over one-half of 1% of their entire population is testing positive for COVID-19 PER DAY. 

In Germany, the most draconian COVID-19 mandates and restrictions in the world were sold to the public with false data. Just like in America, the German government labeled this a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” They claimed up to 90% of the infected and dead were unvaccinated. Newspaper investigations have found that none of this was true. The government simply classified every sick or dying person as “unvaccinated.” Government officials are apologizing, blaming the “mistake” on a “software error.”

In Alberta, Canada, the government published, then quickly deleted health data exposing that almost 60% of the COVID-19 victims classified as “unvaccinated” were actually among the vaccinated. It turns out everyone who got sick, was hospitalized, or died within two weeks of getting any vaccine (the first jab, second, or third) was counted as “unvaccinated.”

I’ll bet you didn’t know the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention play the exact same trick here in the USA. They know most of the COVID-19 deaths and injuries, not to mention deaths from the vaccine itself (mostly heart attacks) will occur within 14 days of any jab. So, everyone that gets sick or dies in that period is counted as “unvaccinated.” 

The most perfect control group ever is the U.S. military. Every young soldier got the COVID-19 vaccine in the past year. To follow the results is the very definition of SCIENCE. Military whistleblowers have come forward with Department of Defense medical data showing since the start of the vaccine program cancer is up about 300% among military members; female infertility is up 500%; miscarriages are up by 300%, and there was an astronomical 1000% increase in neurological disorders from 82,000 to 863,000 in one year.

These are young men and women who were in perfect health … until the vaccines. It appears the vaccines are literally crippling our national defense.

One more control group of formerly healthy young men and women: FIFA soccer players in the EU. Deaths from cardiac arrest increased by 500% in 2021. An astounding 183 professional athletes and coaches collapsed “suddenly” in 2021. 

Worst of all is the news from the CDC that non-COVID-19 deaths in the age range of 18 to 49 increased by 40% in the past year. No one has ever seen anything like this. Why are working-age Americans dying in record numbers? Only one thing changed in 2021: vaccine mandates at the workplace. 

The real story these numbers tell us we are experiencing a “pandemic of the vaccinated.” I believe the vaccine is doing catastrophic damage, but governments, politicians, and bureaucrats the world over have falsely labeled vaccinated people who are sick and dying as “unvaccinated.” And the media covers up the truth like it’s Hunter Biden’s laptop.

This is the greatest scam in world history. It would make Bernie Madoff blush. 

Source: Townhall – Jan 30, 2022



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