Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saudi Arabia bans hijab in examination halls


Riyadh: The Saudi government, which implements progressive reforms for the rights of Muslim women has banned girls from wearing hijab in the examination halls. The Saudi Education and Training Evaluation Commission has instructed that the girls appearing for the exam should wear the school uniform instead of the hijab.

In addition to this, the president of the Saudi Tourism Commission stated the other day that the hijab is not mandatory for female tourists in places including Saudi beaches.

Saudi Arabia’s decision comes at a time when widespread protests were held in India due to hijab ban in schools in Karnataka.

Hijab was previously legally mandatory in Saudi Arabia, but in 2018 it was made non-mandatory. This is part of the reforms implemented by Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman.

His announcement that the hijab is not mandatory if the clothes worn by women in public places is respectful has caught international attention. Salman implemented many reforms for women’s rights, including participating in sports and driving.

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