Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Tag: Geo Engineering

Clearing the Air: The Hidden Dangers of Cloud Seeding in Karnataka

If you are a resident of Karnataka and are experiencing health issues such as respiratory problems, skin irritation, and other ailments, it is crucial...

“Bringing Peace to the Night Sky: How Public Awareness Can Help Reduce Noise and Pollution from Night Training Flights in Residential Areas”

13 Aug 2023: Bengaluru Residents Raise Concerns Over Nighttime Aircraft Training As the bustling city of Bengaluru continues to grow and develop, so do the...

Government to consider proposal to carry out cloud seeding in Karnataka

December 08, 2023: Karnataka is passing through a severe drought with the failure of the south-east monsoon, and the government has declared a drought...

Can the Government Make Decisions on Geoengineering/Weather Modification Without Public Consent?

Should We Be Concerned About Geoengineering? Geoengineering is the deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth’s natural systems to counteract climate change. Few people are aware of...

मोरक्को में भूकंप से कुछ देर पहले एक रहस्यमयी नीली रोशनी चमक रही थी

क्या मोरक्को के ऊपर देखी गई 'भूकंप रोशनी' के लिए HAARP तकनीक जिम्मेदार हो सकती है? रहस्यमय नीली रोशनी के परिणामस्वरूप पिछले साल फरवरी में...

Cloud Seeding: Drones are used around the world to modify the weather

Apr 20, 2023: How 'Cloud Seeding' Modifies Weather in the U.S. ABC News Explains. Currently, 42 cloud seeding projects are underway in the American...