Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: Atmosphere

Revealing the Majesty of HAARP and SURA: Weather Manipulation and the Mystery Behind Heat Waves [Climate Change]

Program activities are conducted in the HAARP Research Station, a facility located near Gakona, Alaska. The main device HAARP Station is the Ionospheric Research Instrument...

A group of scientists seeks to destroy LORD’s creation by geoengineering artificial trees for climate change.

Artificial trees that draw CO2 out of the atmosphere - the latest CO2 insanity The WaPo reports: 100,000 Synthetic Trees Could Help Combat Climate Change March 09,...

Gates is funding a program to cut down and bury trees in order to reduce carbon emissions and combat global warming. He also calls ‘Planting Trees...

Bill Gates said planting trees to solve nonexistent climate change is “nonsense.” “I don’t use some of the less proven approaches,” Gates said at the...

Famous Nuclear Scientist Confirms Government’s Chemtrails As Human Killer

Prominent Nuclear Scientist Issues Direct Challenge To Humanity To Ban Geoengineering European Anthem Stop Geoengineering by Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD Read Transcript: CITIZENS OF ALL NATIONS. We stand together...

The False Agenda of Bill Gates on Climate Change and Zero-Carbon World

As we all know, Bill Gates is funding climate change initiatives. Bill Gates: Geoengineering the Planet | TED Talk | Video Link ( ) Bill Gates, the...