This is a documentary film, about the COVID-19 crisis and the Vaccine
​In this documentary, Health Utah interview doctors, nurses, and other individuals with regard to their experience regarding the COVID-19 crisis and the rollout of the vaccine. Health Utah also take a dive into the institutional forces that held sway behind all this, particularly politics (regardless of party affiliations) and the profit motive.
This is the work of a small group of health professionals and grassroots volunteers. Health Utah look forward to working with all who find value in the message of this film.
More important than the diagnosis, the purpose is also to suggest a cure. Please watch the film for details.
Can we diagnose the health of systems, the way we diagnose people’s health?
​​The purpose that this film supports is possibly something unique: In place of the diagnosis and cure of diseases, it seeks to diagnose the system of health itself as a whole, in the light of the COVID-19 crisis. While there have been many crises in healthcare, each of which has had its own damaging effect on people, the COVID-19 crisis, specifically as related to the vaccine, has been particularly eye-opening. It has shown the interaction of medicine with the profit motive and the working of the government, and the effects of these interactions on your health.
Source: Health Utah
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