Tuesday, March 11, 2025

UHO 17 NOV 2023


The weekly newsletters bring updates on the science, battered and bruised during the pandemic, legal updates, and the impact of activism for a just society, across the world. These are small steps to promote Transparency, Empowerment, and Accountability – the ethos of the UHO. 


  • Medicine becoming a spectator sport – celebrities takeover from doctors
  • Poor Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System in India: Mass vaccination in such a situation is like running superfast trains without proper tracks
  • Given our poor AEFI reporting we should not be in unholy haste for adding more vaccines to our UIP with uncertain efficacy and unknown side effects

Copy the Link: https://uho.org.in/endorse.php 

In English Copy the Link: https://uho.org.in/nl/2023-11-17-newsletter.pdf

In Hindi Copy the Link: https://prakashtv.in/health/universal-health-organization-uho-news-letter-november-17-2023/

Also Read:

Qvive Newsletters: https://qvive.in/category/newsletter/

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