A student from a school in Karnataka’s Kalaburagi developed anti-rape footwear that will help the girls to save themselves from the perpetrators misbehaving with them.
A class 10th student named Vijaylakshmi Biradar from SRN Mehta School in Kalburgi has developed this device that will reportedly save the girls from being assaulted.
Vijaylakshmi explained that when a perpetrator tries to assault a girl, she can kick them with anti-rape footwear. This footwear will electrocute the perpetrator.
She revealed the electricity passes through the footwear with the help of the batteries and it will help the girls in fighting perpetrators.
Apart from this, it also has an in-built GPS feature that will send an alert to the parents of the girl, along with her live location.
Talking about the project, her teacher revealed that Vijaylakshmi started working on this project in 2018 when she was in class 7 or 8. She also revealed that Vijaylakshmi has won many awards and has been working on this project for a long time.
She recently won an International Invention and Innovation expo award in Goa for her project.
Source: India Today