Friday, July 26, 2024

Temple in Tamil Nadu where Khushbu Sundar is worshipped as God


Chennai: Khushbu Sundar, the renowned actress turned politician, has been gaining immense popularity in Tamil Nadu lately, and her fans have taken their admiration for her to the next level. In a recent development, reports have emerged that Khushbu is being worshipped as a goddess in the state.

According to sources, a temple has been constructed in her name in the Tiruchendur district of Tamil Nadu, where devotees have been offering prayers to her as a form of worship. The temple is said to have been built by a group of her die-hard fans who are devoted to her and believe that she has brought positivity and change to their lives.

Khushbu, who was previously associated with the Congress party, joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and has been actively campaigning for the party in the state. Her speeches and rallies have been drawing huge crowds, and her popularity has been on the rise ever since.

Reacting to the news of the temple being built in her name, Khushbu said that she was humbled by the love and affection shown by her fans. She added that she is grateful for their support and that it gives her the motivation to continue serving the people of Tamil Nadu.

While some may view the act of worshipping a celebrity as unusual, it is not uncommon in India. Many actors and politicians have been worshipped as gods and goddesses by their followers, who see them as embodiments of positivity, hope, and change.

In conclusion, Khushbu Sundar has achieved a unique status in Tamil Nadu, where she is worshipped as a goddess by her followers. Her popularity and influence in the state continue to grow, and it remains to be seen what impact this will have on her political career.

She has been now nominated as a member of the national women’s commission. She will be in the post for three years. Khushbu is one of the three members nominated. She shared the union child development ministry’s notification on Twitter and thanked the Prime Minister.

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