Saturday, July 27, 2024

Historic! ISRO successfully launches dream of 750 ‘Rocket Girls’


New Delhi: In a historic mission, ISRO launched Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV-D2). Three satellites, including Azadi SAT-2, built by female students from different parts of the country, are placed in close-to-Earth orbit.

The launch took place at 9.18 am from the second launch pad of the Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota on Friday.

ISRO SSLV consists of Earth observation satellite EOS-07, Janus One by Antaris of USA, and Azadi SAT-2 by Space Kids, Chennai. Azadi SAT was made by a group of 750 girls from 75 government schools in different states.

Space Kids India, a space research organization, assembled the equipment designed by the students and attached it to the satellite. It takes 13 minutes for SSLV to bring these three light satellites into orbit at an altitude of 450 km.

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