Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tag: qvivenetwork

The Unseen Threat: Cloud Seeding, Smart Dust, and the Nano-Robot Invasion

The skies above us may be far more manipulated than we realize, as whispers of a secret government program using nanorobots to control the...

Bill Gates and WHO: Flesh Eating Disease as a Bioweapon?

Are mosquitoes really to blame for the spread of flesh-eating Buruli ulcer? The answer may surprise you! Let's dive into the details of how...

The Code of Democracy: Why Paper Matters in a Digital World | Robert F. Kennedy Jr.| Elon Musk | Rahul Gandhi

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. supports paper ballots to protect election integrity, while Elon Musk warns against electronic voting machines due to potential human and...

The Funeral Director Shares a Disturbing Revelation: A COVID-19 Vax Documentary

John O’Looney has built a successful career as a funeral director in the United Kingdom. He runs a business in Milton Keynes, which he...

PCR Testing is not accurate for detecting Bird Flu and CDC says one of the symptoms of bird flu is NO SYMPTOMS!!

Misinformation can be harmful and can undermine public health efforts. It is crucial to rely on credible sources of information, such as Qvive Network...

ALERT! U-WIN Program: Bill Gates-Backed Tech for Seamless Mass Vaccination Registration

The Story of CoWIN: How A Vaccination Strategy for Digital India Failed Why was a wholly digital platform like CoWIN—one that is largely accessible to...