Wednesday, February 19, 2025

EMF, Wi-Fi, 5G, Vertigo, Nausea, Vomiting, Tinnitus, and Hearing Loss: Is There a Link?


In today’s digital age, we are constantly surrounded by electromagnetic fields (EMF) from various sources such as Wi-Fi routers, cell phone towers, and household appliances. While most of us may not give much thought to the potential health effects of EMF exposure, there is a growing concern among people about the impact of EMF on our well-being.

NO Safety Testing Of 5G – Serious Cause for Concern

In the following video from a US Senate 5G hearing in February 2019, Senator Blumenthal forced leading 5G industry representative to admit that ‘zero dollars had been spent on health and safety testing for 5G technologies, out of $25 billion they’d bragged the wireless industry invested just last year…The government hasn’t tested 5G either.’

Ref: Red Alert: 5G Industry leaders admit NO safety testing when questioned by Senator Blumenthal (CT), CEP Center For Electrosmog Prevention, February 6, 2019

According to the WHO,

Radiation: Electromagnetic fields

Human-made sources of electromagnetic fields

Besides natural sources the electromagnetic spectrum also includes fields generated by human-made sources: X-rays are employed to diagnose a broken limb after a sport accident. The electricity that comes out of every power socket has associated low frequency electromagnetic fields. And various kinds of higher frequency radiowaves are used to transmit information – whether via TV antennas, radio stations or mobile phone base stations.

Widespread concerns for health

A look at the news headlines of recent years allows some insight into the various areas of public concern. Over the course of the past decade, numerous electromagnetic field sources have become the focus of health concerns, including power lines, microwave ovens, computer and TV screens, security devices, radars and most recently mobile phones and their base stations.


General eye irritation and cataracts have sometimes been reported in workers exposed to high levels of radiofrequency and microwave radiation, but animal studies do not support the idea that such forms of eye damage can be produced at levels that are not thermally hazardous. There is no evidence that these effects occur at levels experienced by the general public.

Electromagnetic fields and cancer

Despite many studies, the evidence for any effect remains highly controversial. However, it is clear that if electromagnetic fields do have an effect on cancer, then any increase in risk will be extremely small. The results to date contain many inconsistencies, but no large increases in risk have been found for any cancer in children or adults.

A number of epidemiological studies suggest small increases in risk of childhood leukemia with exposure to low frequency magnetic fields in the home. However, scientists have not generally concluded that these results indicate a cause-effect relation between exposure to the fields and disease (as opposed to artifacts in the study or effects unrelated to field exposure). In part, this conclusion has been reached because animal and laboratory studies fail to demonstrate any reproducible effects that are consistent with the hypothesis that fields cause or promote cancer. Large-scale studies are currently underway in several countries and may help resolve these issues.

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity and depression

Some individuals report “hypersensitivity” to electric or magnetic fields. They ask whether aches and pains, headaches, depression, lethargy, sleeping disorders, and even convulsions and epileptic seizures could be associated with electromagnetic field exposure.


For those who are sensitive to electromagnetic fields, the symptoms can range from mild discomfort to more severe health issues. Some common symptoms of EMF sensitivity include vertigo, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, and even hearing loss. These symptoms can be debilitating and have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life.

Wireless wake-up call | Jeromy Johnson | TEDxBerkeley

Jeromy Johnson is an expert in mitigating the negative impacts of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure. He has a leading website on the topic and consults with individuals, families and organizations around the world to implement solutions that reduce and eliminate EMF pollution. Jeromy has an advanced degree in Civil Engineering and has worked in Silicon Valley for 15 years. After becoming what medical doctors call “Electro-hypersensitive” (EHS) in 2011 after extensive exposure to EMF radiation, he embarked on a journey of regaining his own health and educating others to critically evaluate theirs.

Some people believe that the increased exposure to EMF from 5G towers can weaken the immune system and make individuals more susceptible to viruses like COVID-19.

Many have believed and raised concerns about the potential health risks associated with EMF and 5G technology. These individuals, often referred to as “The Microwave Injured Masses,” believe that the rollout of 5G networks has led to an increase in electromagnetic radiation, which they claim is weakening immune systems and making people more susceptible to viruses such as COVID-19.

5G & Cell Tower Protests Worldwide

Related Article:

5G dangers, 60GHz millimeter wave micro cell dangers, and stupid, evil elected representatives

You people need to wake up because what is coming is going to destroy humanity. Joe Imbriano briefly discusses the dangers of millimeter wave micro cell systems in front of the corrupt and stupid Fullerton City Council who continues to make health decisions for the residents and is led by none other that the most evil and dangerous woman in Fullerton, Jennifer Fitzgerald. She is Fullerton’s forced irradiator on the city council.

The term pandemic is frequently discussed and debated across the globe. Speculation is rampant. But what exactly is Covid-19? Is it a virus? And if it is, what is behind its emergence? Do electromagnetic fields and 5G technology play a part in this? One thing is certain: we must shift our focus away from hearsay and instead rely on solid evidence and our own intuition. In this guest post, EMF awareness advocate Shannon Rowan presents the scientific facts (be warned, it’s quite a detailed article) and offers 17 actionable solutions for navigating through the pandemic. Here’s Shannon’s article

In 2018, Tim Barker, then 28, found himself grappling with ‘electro-sensitivity’ or ‘microwave injury’ after spending years as an iPhone app developer in the heart of Silicon Valley. Unable to endure the microwave-laden atmosphere any longer, he left his job and sought solace at his mother’s home in Scottsdale, Arizona, hoping for a chance to heal.

On January 4, 2019, while taking a stroll around the neighborhood with his mother, Tim encountered a metal box attached to a lamppost. As they approached it, he was suddenly overwhelmed by severe pressure in his head, experienced gut convulsions, doubled over in agony, and collapsed. Just days later, on January 8, they walked by the same lamppost, and the horrifying episode repeated itself.

What started as a mere suspicion that the box might be linked to the new 5G technology soon turned into a harsh reality. Tim received confirmation from AT&T, the local cellular provider, that they had indeed activated the 5G network on January 4, 2019, the very day of his distressing experience.

Are EMF And 5G At The Root Of The COVID-19 Pandemic?

The ‘novel’ ‘Corona’ virus is perhaps aptly named, since ‘Corona,’ apart from being the name of a famous beer (Spanish for ‘crown’), literally means ‘glowing ring,’ and it is also the name assigned to the field emanating from high voltage electricity.[1]

1- Corona Effect defined, Circuit Globe

Electricians directly exposed to coronas have increased mortality rates from ‘brain Cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, acute leukemia, pulmonary emphysema, falls from ladders and electrocutions.’ [2,3]

2- Occupational Mortality in Washington State, 1950-1989, Samuel Milham Jr., MD, Code 421

3- Mortality from brain cancer and leukemia among electrical workers, D P Loomis and D A Savitz, British Journal of Industrial Medicine, Sept. 1990

Power line electricians as well as residents living in close proximity to power lines show higher incidence of suicide and depression. [4]

4- Suicide and Depression Abstracts; Epidemiological studies of suicide and depression and magnetic fields,

And perhaps most significantly of all, long-term exposure to coronas from high voltage power lines is linked to higher morality rates from lung cancer, and increased occurrence of respiratory ailments and aggravated asthma.

A study published in the of the ‘International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology’ dated June 2015, titled, ‘Effect Voltage Transmission Lines on Human Health, Plant Life, and Animal Activity’ details this relationship with the following:

Overhead high voltage power line causes ionization of air emitting trillions of corona ions into the air per second. These ions get attached to the aerosol particles of many types of carcinogenic air pollution like diesel exhaust, flame retardants in furniture, unintentional by-products of industries, etc. The charged pollution particles are then carried by the wind up to 7kms downwind of the power line and deposit in the lungs at a significantly greater rate than uncharged pollutant particles. The analysis of corona effect risk shows that up to 400 excess cases of lung cancer mortality and 3000 excess cases of cardiovascular and respiratory illness and aggravated asthma may occur annually among 2.7 million people living within overhead high voltage lines.”[5]

5- Effect Voltage Transmission Lines on Human Health, Plant Life, and Animal Activity, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 02, Issue 03, June 2015

Given the evidence of health risks associated with corona discharge exposure, ‘coronavirus’ is certainly a fitting name for an illness most likely to be radiation induced, and not in fact, as we are being told, a truly pathogenic virus.

And up until recently coronaviruses were not even associated with flu symptomology but solely attributed to the ‘common cold.[6]

6- Is the “Coronavirus” Actually Radiation Sickness? Jeanice Barcelo, January 31, 2020

Perhaps this is the reason for the need to call this particular virus ‘novel,’ to distinguish it from the rest, dispelling doubts as to its potential for grave harm?

5G As A Cause Of Illness

Currently we are inundated with images of the mask-clad masses, most keeping plenty of distance between one another but very little distance between themselves and their wireless devices. They all seem to be staring transfixed by the portable screens they carry and transported, it would seem, into some oblivion keeping their focus pointedly away from their immediate surroundings.

If the real cause of this pandemic were revealed, understood and accepted, the world would wake up, throw off their masks, (possibly replace them with microwave shielding clothing), throwaway their addictive, dangerous EMR emitting devices and demand safe technology.

Many voices ‘crying in the wilderness’ seemingly in vain (it would appear, but I hope not!) have been raised over the past few years warning as to the hazards of 5G technology, and for very good reason, since this new technology has never been tested for public safety. Here is an excellent video of Dr. Sharon Goldberg’s testimony at a 5G hearing in Michigan in 2019:

Veteran MD Drops Bombshell At 5G Hearing – What Will Trump Do?

While the publics attention is being directed at mostly nonsense one of the biggest threats to our existence is being rolled out and mostly ignored by our politicians and mainstream media.

It is interesting how when the FDA and certain governmental organizations want to keep something useful from the public like cannabis away THEY always use the excuse that MORE SCIENCE is needed before we can proceed. However, when THEY want to push something onto the public that is unhealthy THEY claim SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE is not needed to properly make a wise decision for the public.

And another video featuring Dr. Devra Davis on health risks of all wireless technologies, including 5G here:

Microwave Illness, 5G Flu, And You

Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)

Wang, H., & Zhang, X. (2017). Magnetic Fields and Reactive Oxygen Species. International journal of molecular sciences, 18(10), 2175.

ROS is the result of Oxidative Stress which leads to Metabolic Syndrome and other acute and latent symptoms. A number of toxins cause oxidative stress but we are learning that Strong Magnetic Fields (SMFs) are a consideration as a source of Oxidative Stress. Metabolic Syndrome is the larger result of Oxidative Stress and can lead to some, not all, of the microwave injured veterans’ chronic symptoms. The reason that there are other symptoms associated with microwave injury is that there are a number of other bio-mechanisms that also work in tandem with Metabolic Stress to bring about the very distinct microwave injury pathology. 

​According to the Mayo Clinic, the amount of people in the United States being diagnosed with metabolic syndrome is 33% of the total population and growing. Why is this number growing? We suspect that it is the glut of microwave radiation systems that have no safety or human health regulations restricting toxic levels of microwave radiation from irradiating the general public; VSAT systems on ships, 5G on land are examples. This is the issue that no one in the telecom industry seems to want to face but will have long lasting impacts on their individual livelihood and lives as human beings. The Internet of Things or the Internet of Everything and biology may not be able to co-exist without acute and latent adverse biological affects.

​Pandemic History Starting With The Spanish Flu Pandemic

Prior to 1889 and the deployment of AC (Alternating Current) electricity, what we call influenza as a disease, was an extremely rare occurrence. The first known flu pandemic (later attributed to a number of different viruses, but at the time assumed to be bacterial in origin or even a German bioweapon), we know as ‘The Spanish Flu’ from 1918-1921, which is said to have killed an estimated 50 million people.

Ever since then, the ‘flu,’ in its variant forms has stayed with us, demonstrating as ‘pandemic’ coinciding with each new change to our native electromagnetic field, from telegraph wires, to transmission lines, radar, TV and radio communications, wireless cellular networks, satellite and now the latest addition to the list being 5G, millimeter wave technology.

Scientist, researcher and author of ‘The Invisible Rainbow,’ Arthur Firstenberg lists the following lesser-known facts about the ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic calling into question the real cause of the disaster:

  • The 1918 flu was not caused by a virus.
  • The 1918 flu was not contagious and did not spread by direct human-to-human contact.
  • The 1918 flu began on US military bases where soldiers were being trained in wireless telegraphy. It spread throughout the world on ten thousand U.S. Navy ships equipped with state-of-the-art wireless stations. It became much more deadly in September 1918 when the first round-the-clock voice radio station powerful enough to be received in most parts of the world went on the air in New Brunswick, New Jersey in service of the U.S. war effort, thereby launching the modern era of radio communication.

He also points to a famous study conducted in 1919 by the U.S. Public Health Service as an attempt to prove the flu contagious in nature, but completely failed when 100 healthy volunteers failed to contract the illness even after direct contact into their mouth, nose, and throats and injected under their skin with mucous secretions from terminally ill patients. The volunteers were also were placed in direct physical contact with the sick patients, being made to shake hands, and even submit to sneezing and coughing into their faces (definitely without any N-95 or other face masks on!) Yet in spite of these valiant efforts, not one of the volunteers fell ill.[7]

7- Is the Sky Really Falling, Arthur Firstenberg, March 27, 2020

Numerous such studies have been conducted at other times in the last hundred plus years since the germ theory took precedence over other theories of disease origin and not one of them has proved successful in demonstrating the root of illness as attributed to pathogenic microorganisms. In fact, incredible as it sounds, we have no scientific proof to date that ANY illness is pathogenic and thus transmittable between humans (or between human and animal, or animal-animal, or animal-plant, or cabbage-patch doll to human, etc.)[8]

8- ‘The Ultimate Conspiracy; The Biomedical Paradigm,’ James McCumiskey, chapter 11, Bright Pen Books, 2012

I extend my sincere gratitude to Shannon Rowan for providing valuable solutions

Shannon Rowan, BFA, is a free-thinking fine-artist, photographer, singer/songwriter, dancer, free-lance writer, children’s book author/illustrator and EMF awareness activist. She lives in southern Arizona with her partner and two cats and is an outdoor enthusiast and avid sea-kayaker. She is the author and illustrator of the children’s book (available on Amazon), “The Goldfish of Brandywine Farms.”  And is working on a book with co-author John Hamer about EMF harm, 5G and the transhuman agenda, to be released by the end of this year.

Solutions – What You Can Do In The Midst Of The Pandemic

1- First Thing Is Don’t Panic!

Above all else, try not to panic. In the face of constant assault about the virus from the fear mongering press, this may be easier said than done. But panicking leads to irrational behavior, and puts our nervous systems into high alert, or ‘fight/flight mode,’ which left unchecked can lead to adrenal fatigue and collapse. More harm will come in the long run from the effects of fear induced by the pandemic panic, than is likely to be caused by the pandemic itself.

2- Educate Yourself And Others

Spread the word, but do so with caution. People are operating in fear and can behave unpredictably as a result. Be loving and compassionate, not self-righteous. It probably won’t win you any popularity contests to present another version of the current crisis situation and it can be demoralizing to stand up in the face of enormous contrary public opinion.

Protect yourself and your family first, as well as your sanity. Share with those you feel most receptive, don’t beat your head against a wall trying to get through to someone resistant, who’s mind is already made up, you will only hurt yourself in the process.

Remember, people are being harmed. This part is real. They are indeed getting sick and dying but we need to look to the real cause of illness (especially as pertains to microwave and millimeter wave radiation exposures) and not be blaming it on some phantom virus, if we are to make any progress. The health of our planet and its people has been on a steady decline well before the supposed virus outbreak and it isn’t going to do anyone any favors if we keep missing the mark when it comes to finding the real cause of illness.

3- Rally Together, Petition, And Especially Make An Effort To Block 5G Installations In Your Communities.

Get involved with the growing number of people waking up to the issue of EMF harm. Help us reach critical mass awareness.

Here are links to a list of action groups that can help you get started:

4- Reduce, Limit, And Eliminate Exposures To All Harmful Sources Of Manmade EMF

I realize the challenge in doing this. My life was turned upside down by EMFs and I had to give up my job, leave family and friends and move 3,000 miles away to an isolated rural community in order to gain full relief of my symptoms. But not everyone need take such extreme measures. If you have not yet been injured to the point of hyper-reactivity, you may be able to avoid reaching threshold levels of exposures. There are many simple things you can do each day to that end.

Here are some excellent resources to help achieve this goal-

5- Avoid Unproven EMF Remediation Gadgets

There are plenty of unscrupulous people taking advantage of the growing awareness of EMF harm and growing number of microwave-injured masses.

Don’t throw good money away. EMF ‘protection’ devices which cannot be scientifically proven but rely on belief alone should be avoided.

Pendants and other such charms will lull you into a fall sense of security. The only proven way to reduce or eliminate harm from EMF is to reduce or eliminate exposures.

6- Get Restorative Sleep

Reducing and eliminating EMFs from your bedroom or other sleeping area, can go a long way to aid in correcting poor sleep patterns. Today’s modern world is rife with insomniacs and it’s no wonder when you read the studies on how EMFs and blue-light disrupt circadian rhythms.

Without proper sleep cycles we cannot produce adequate melatonin which is a master hormone responsible for regulating other hormones and important biological functions. Proper levels of melatonin also help repair DNA damage caused by environmental toxins including EMF exposures.

Getting restorative sleep has played a huge role in my own recovery from microwave injury.

7- Increase Exposures To Natural Sources Of EMF

It is paramount to recognize that not all EMF are created equally. In other words some sources are harmful and others are beneficial. Natural sources of electromagnetic fields such as those emanating from the earth under our feet and down from our sun overhead, nurture and sustain all life forms.

Often financially motivated industries seek to obfuscate facts by comparing natural EMFs with manmade sources simply because they may share a similar frequency range on the light spectrum. But UV from sunlight and UV from artificial light have very different biological effects because one is native to our environment and the other is not. We are adapted to coexist with one and not the other.

So get as much sunlight as you can, without the use of toxic sunscreens. To achieve this without causing sunburn you will need to expose yourself in increments while emphasizing early and late in the day exposure when the sun’s rays emit primarily infrared (non-burning and very healing) radiation. Dr. Jack Kruse has a lot of useful information on how to take the most advantage of this amazing life-giving source of energy.

You can also practice grounding or ‘earthing’ by walking barefoot on the beach or in other natural low-EMF environments. Lying in the earth in nature can also be very beneficial. The idea is to get as much exposure as possible to the healing frequency which naturally emanates from our earth, also called the ‘Schuman Resonance.’ But be careful not to ‘ground’ in densely saturated manmade EMF environments as in cities, since their may be an unnatural harmful ground current present, which can in some cases override the natural one.

8- Ditch ‘Smart’ Technology

Replace ‘smart’ tech with the tried and true ‘dumb’ (but far more intelligent) tech.
And especially swap out wireless electronics for their wired counterparts. Most important is ditching the cordless phone or cell phone and replacing with a landline or VOIP phone. (But be sure to use the VOIP/Voice Over Internet Phone only in conjunction with wired Internet connections.)

Even activists working to halt 5G and other wireless tech often hold fast to their own wireless devices, excusing themselves with stories of how they personally cannot do without because of jobs, family, etc. and claiming they can use the technology safely by turning off when not in use, putting it on airplane mode whenever possible, using wired hands-free headsets to create some distance from their phones, etc.

These are all helpful tips in reducing exposures to harmful microwaves, however it leaves one playing a dangerous game of Russian roulette since while chronic unchecked exposure to microwaves most certainly can cause harm, it actually only takes one exposure to cause permanent biological damage as happened in my own case, when cumulative affects reached a tipping point with that final dose.

Also continuing to use wireless tech exposes others around you who may be more susceptible to biological harm and serves to support the increasing amounts of cell towers in our towns and neighborhoods as well as empowers the industry financially to continue to build their wireless empire, which in turn serves as our invisible radiation prison.

Because of this I would strongly encourage you to reconsider what you define as a ‘necessity.‘ I also once thought my cell phone to be ‘necessary’ but when I had to give it up, with my life literally on the line, I found a way to do it, and so can you. No one should tell you that you must use dangerous technologies or place them in or on your home. And many would argue that there is no safe use of a dangerous technology.

We have to work together to make our technologies safer and find ways to recognize and break our addictions. I have not owned a cell phone in over 6 years and do not plan to, ever again and have not looked back. What seemed devastating and impossible at the time turned into an unexpected liberation, when I found myself free of the constant demands these devices place on our time and a reclaimed the privacy they rob.

9- Address Fungal Overgrowth

Fungal infections, unlike those caused by viruses, can be scientifically proven and is a big problem for most of us in todays’ world due to the prevalence of monoculture and pesticide agriculture practices which deplete our soils of important beneficial microorganisms which serve to keep things in balance.

Because of the lack of these organisms in our foods (even in organic) so too do we lack them in our gut, creating a terrain supportive of yeasts and fungi (which have an important role to play- in a balanced state) in check from overgrowth.

Natural herbal antifungals like Oregano, Black Seed Oil, Pau D’arco, and Garlic, can be very helpful also in minimizing the damage from EMF since artificial EMF has been demonstrated by Dr. Klinghardt to encourage growth of molds and fungi up to 600 times more than they would in a low-EMF environment.

10- Reduce Inflammation

EMFs are linked to triggering an inflammation response in our bodies. Reducing EMFs in your environment will naturally reduce inflammation in your body.

But since some of the effects of EMF exposures can be long lasting and chronic and because it may be impossible to eliminate or reduce all sources of EMFs in your environment, there are some other ways you can help ease inflammation.

These are some things that have helped me immensely-

  • Anti-inflammatory herbs like turmeric, ginger, and kava
  • Regular Epsom salt baths (these baths also have a grounding effect and help discharge built up body voltage)
  • Magnesium supplementation (a lifesaver for most electro-sensitives)
  • Essential fatty acids rich in omega 3 & 6’s, like fish, hemp or olive oil

11- Increase Your Body’s Structured Water

The water in our cells does not take on a regular liquid form but a gel-like one, which Dr. Gerald Pollack calls the ‘4th phase of water’ or ‘structured water.’ The better structured the water, the better for overall health, well-being and longevity.

Things that reduce the structured nature of water include artificial EMFs and junk foods. When the water in our bodies is not properly structured, reduced blood flow can occur, contributing to heart disease and other serous ailments.

But things that help structure our water include exposure to sunlight and our earth’s natural magnetic field. Also physical contact with loved ones, including our pets, has been shown to directly influence and create healthy structured water and thus improve health.

So get out in the sun, walk barefoot in nature and hug your favorite humans and animals.

12- Nurture And Sustain Positive Healthy Relationships

Avoid unsupportive so-called friends and even family (if abusive) and surround yourself with loving supportive people.

It can be challenging enough to try and cope and stay physically, emotionally and mentally healthy while carrying the stigma of EHS/MCS or espousing a different viewpoint from the mainstream while also trying to avoid exposures to EMF during the rapidly encroaching onslaught permeating our world at present.

A supportive, understanding non-judgmental friend in these uncertain times can be a lifesaver.

13- Reexamine Priorities And Beliefs

Those of us whom have been injured by EMFs and consequently lost our places in society, connections with disbelieving friends, and family, lost careers, and a sense of purpose, have been forced to abandon our once beloved digital devices and other EMF technologies in order to preserve our health and escape daily physical torment.

This intensive life upheaval often drives us to a deep spiritual bottom and forces us to re-examine beliefs, things, and relationships we once held dear and paramount. But this kind of drastic lifestyle change can be a blessing in disguise if we allow ourselves to benefit from the hidden lessons with which it presents us.

After reprioritizing what is important, connection with the natural world, once considered a luxury only possible on weekends away or annual vacations, becomes a daily event and serves as an opportunity to enrich our lives in unnamable ways.

Reading, writing, talking with friends in person, giving more attention to a select few loyal friends, taking opportunity to develop closer bonds with loved ones, we end up spending more quality time together instead of exchanging quality for quantity and approval as we vie to garner the most ‘likes’ on social media. Once addicted to accompanying the dopamine hit, we forget what is truly important in human relationships.

14- Preserve Our Humanity

While many of us find ourselves suddenly under house arrest, resultant of extremely misguided efforts to contain a phantom, unproven contagion, we are pushed into replacing physical human contact in favor of virtual connection.

Virtual human connections, while sometimes necessary or convenient should never be a permanent replacement for real world in-person ones. We need human touch and face-to-face interactions to preserve our humanity and well-being.

We should not let this temporary situation in which we find ourselves become a model for our future societies or we stand to lose irreplaceable priceless enriching human connection, which up until now has defined our human experience.

15- Take A Holistic Approach

We live in a war culture. The mechanistic view of the world and its inhabitants has led to this culture, which divides everything into good and bad and hero and enemy.

But nature’s intelligent creation demonstrates health in terms of balance and imbalance, harmony and disharmony. Relationships between organisms and species in the natural world are symbiotic. There is no good or bad bacteria, virus, fungi or parasite in nature when equilibrium is established which benefits the whole of creation.

Fighting a phantom ‘evil’ virus, especially when seeking to destroy and eradicate it, does nothing but leaves us with a poisoned environment (upon which all life depends) and poisoned people, and hardly works to achieve a goal of health as proclaimed. It isn’t until we change our attitudes towards each other and our world that we will know true health, peace and prosperity.

We need to ask ourselves how successful the ‘war on cancer,’ ‘war on terrorism,’ ‘war on drugs,’ ‘war on crime,’ and ‘war on infectious disease’ has been? And now we are being asked to come together to wage war on an unseen common enemy, the phantom COVID-19 virus.

16- Be Gentle And Kind To Your Body And Your World

Try to focus on the bigger picture instead of dissecting it to its smallest invisible parts. Parts, which we then attempt to label, isolate and contain, to the point we are only left with a theory of reality while fully in denial of direct observation and experience of it.

Educator and EMF activist, Max Igan during an interview with Josh Del Sol at the 2019 5G Crisis Awareness and Accountability summit, gives this amusing analogy:
“You don’t tear a kitten to pieces in order to love it.”

Likewise we don’t have to dissect and label ‘love’ in order to benefit from and experience its healing life giving effects.

17- Remember Who You Are

You are a powerful creator with unlimited untapped potential.

There is a reason the ‘powers that be’ are doing all they can to keep us from life affirming and sustaining contact with our natural world and with each other.

Our power threatens their control positions and the best way to maintain obscene wealth political and industrial power is to keep the people sick, overworked, and afraid.

So remember who you are and do not believe for a minute than any artificial technology or so-called ‘intelligence’ is better or more intelligent than you. Machines cannot and will never be able to posses or experience love, compassion, intuition and wisdom. True intelligence can only be exhibited and measured by the inclusion of these uniquely human traits.

18- Lastly, Maintain A Positive Outlook And Sense Of Humor

as reason and logic are in about as short supply as toilet paper, leaving the collective shelves of the human psyche empty as it is constantly bombarded with messages of fear.

Humor lightens our mood, reduces stress and can help us to step outside ourselves and see the absurdity and folly of our hasty actions and emotional reactions. It may be exactly what we need now more than ever to see us through the hard times ahead.

Additional Information:

What is SAR in wireless communication?

SAR is a measure of the rate of RF (radiofrequency) energy absorption by the body from the source being measured – in this case, a cell phone. SAR provides a straightforward means for measuring the RF exposure characteristics of cell phones to ensure that they are within the safety guidelines set by the FCC.

Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) For Cell Phones: What It Means For You

There is considerable confusion and misunderstanding about the meaning of the maximum reported Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) values for cell phones (and other wireless devices). SAR is a measure of the rate of RF (radiofrequency) energy absorption by the body from the source being measured – in this case, a cell phone. SAR provides a straightforward means for measuring the RF exposure characteristics of cell phones to ensure that they are within the safety guidelines set by the FCC.

Many people mistakenly assume that using a cell phone with a lower reported SAR value necessarily decreases a user’s exposure to RF emissions, or is somehow “safer” than using a cell phone with a high SAR value. While SAR values are an important tool in judging the maximum possible exposure to RF energy from a particular model of cell phone, a single SAR value does not provide sufficient information about the amount of RF exposure under typical usage conditions to reliably compare individual cell phone models. Rather, the SAR values collected by the FCC are intended only to ensure that the cell phone does not exceed the FCC’s maximum permissible exposure levels even when operating in conditions which result in the device’s highest possible – but not its typical – RF energy absorption for a user.

SAR Testing

SAR testing uses standardized models of the human head and body that are filled with liquids that simulate the RF absorption characteristics of different human tissues. In order to determine compliance, each cell phone is tested while operating at its highest power level in all the frequency bands in which it operates, and in various specific positions against the dummy head and body, to simulate the way different users’ typically hold a cell phone, including to each side of the head. To test cell phones for SAR compliance, the phone is precisely placed in various common positions next to the head and body, and a robotic probe takes a series of measurements of the electric field at specific pinpoint locations in a very precise, grid-like pattern within the dummy head and torso. All data for each phone placement are submitted as a part of the equipment approval test report for final authorization. However, only the highest SAR values for each frequency band are included in the final authorization to demonstrate compliance with the FCC’s RF guidelines.

What SAR Does Not Show

The SAR value used for FCC approval does not account for the multitude of measurements taken during the testing. Moreover, cell phones constantly vary their power to operate at the minimum power necessary for communications; operation at maximum power occurs infrequently. Consequently, cell phones cannot be reliably compared for their overall exposure characteristics on the basis of a single SAR value for several reasons (each of these examples is based on a reported SAR value for cell phone A that is higher than that for cell phone B):

  • Cell phone A might have one measurement that was higher than any single measurement for cell phone B. Cell phone A would, therefore, have a higher reported SAR value than cell phone B, even if cell phone B has higher measurements than A in most other locations and/or usage configurations. In such a case, a user generally would receive more RF energy overall from cell phone B.
  • Cell phone A might communicate more efficiently than cell phone B, so that it operates at lower power than cell phone B would under comparable conditions. Consequently, a user would receive more RF energy overall from cell phone B.
  • The highest value from cell phone A might come from a position which the user seldom or never employs to hold a phone, whereas that user might usually hold a phone in the position that resulted in the highest value for cell phone B. Therefore, the user would receive the highest RF exposure that cell phone B delivers but would not receive the highest RF exposure that cell phone A delivers.

The Bottom Line

ALL cell phones must meet the FCC’s RF exposure standard, which is set at a level well below that at which laboratory testing indicates, and medical and biological experts generally agree, adverse health effects could occur. For users who are concerned with the adequacy of this standard or who otherwise wish to further reduce their exposure, the most effective means to reduce exposure are to hold the cell phone away from the head or body and to use a speakerphone or hands-free accessory. These measures will generally have much more impact on RF energy absorption than the small difference in SAR between individual cell phones, which, in any event, is an unreliable comparison of RF exposure to consumers, given the variables of individual use.

Source: Youtube, Wikipedia, ElectricSense, NIH, WHO, MIVN, FCC

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